Frank R James suspect in New York subway attack Who

Frank R. James suspect in New York subway attack: Who is he

He is a 62yearold African American from Philadelphia. the holder of the credit card used to rent the van linked to the attack on the Brooklyn subway

A $50,000 reward was offered by police to anyone who could provide information leading to the arrest of the shooter in the Brooklyn, New York, subway shooting.

With the credit card lost during the escape, the police identified a suspect and disseminated information about him.

His name is Frank R. James, 62, African American, from Philadelphia, and he used the credit card he used to rent the van linked to the attack and found it a few blocks from Brooklyn’s Sunset Park Station.

Very little is known about James at the moment: he lives in both Philadelphia and Wisconsin; Preliminary investigations into his social media presence uncovered disturbing videos in which he spoke about the problem of homelessness, New York and its Mayor Eric Adams.

As Guido Olimpio writes in this file, James admitted to having mental health problems and blamed black women for the violence between African Americans themselves: a certainly unstable figure who somehow heralded the assault with these interventions. .

Police simply define James as a person of interest and state that they are unsure if he is the perpetrator of the attack. His profile seems to match what was reported by the first witnesses after the attack.

The cameras at the station weren’t working, so the police were forced to check the witnesses’ videos for clues and compare the information they had.

Details of the minutes of terror and panic on the subway continue to emerge intact: the suspect was in the car when he pulled a smoke canister from his backpack. Then he put on the gas mask and started shooting.

At least 33 rounds were fired, but the pistol a 9mm Glock semiautomatic jammed and that would have prevented the worst. At that point, the man dressed like a subway attendant escaped.

A bag with the keys to the rental car, ammunition, a hatchet, firecrackers and a container of gasoline was found at the bus stop in addition to the used gun.

We were lucky, it could have been much worse, New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell says of the 23 injured. None of them life threatening.

Police have no one in custody at the moment: We’re looking for Frank James who rented the van.

April 13, 2022 (Change April 13, 2022 | 08:54)