1649846015 UKRAINE USANATO vs Russia II



By Braulio Frometa and Andrés González

The socio-political and military conflict in Ukraine has been dragging on for decades due to the terrible economic crisis, rising debt, the militarization of society and the rise of neo-Nazi movements. CWith the opportunistic intervention of the USA in the conflict as well as their media war and their economic sanctions, they have succeeded in involving the most important European powersto its dependent or footman countries, just as it did in WWI and WWII, to bolster its geopolitical appetite and intended economic dominance as a unipolar power.

To this end, the Ukrainian government has institutionalized groups such as the Azov Battalion or the Right Sector and enlisted them in the army despite their opposition Neo-Nazi Affiliation and mercenary recruitment. Place their leaders in political positions. These actions have led to violations of fundamental rights and hate crimes in the Donbass region, where the self-proclaimed Russian-majority republics of Lugansk and Donetsk are attempting to defend their sovereignty.

All actions of the US government are aimed at putting an end to today’s Russia as if it were the Russia of 1917. It has set up a war-political framework, as it did then, with Ukraine, as before, with the German threat of the two world wars . Look for the current global distribution of markets and political subjugation of governments to weaken preeminent Russia and China threatening their global dominance.

It is good to remember this past of US governments as there is nothing new in their current workings. Only these ambitions adapt it to the different scenarios.

When World War I began, the United States was firmly the number one country for economic development. The monopolies had turned government into a weapon obedient to their policies, such as it is today. At the end of this war, 21,000 new millionaires appeared in the US and profited from their sales to France, England and even Russia as they dominated the markets due to their perceived neutrality.

During the war, the 1917 October Revolution triumphed, setting the course for future anti-Communist actions in the United States and its dominions. Danger arises from Russia’s influence in the working class of the world, including in the US They pursue the desire to overthrow it with the alliance of European countries, including efforts to restore defeated Germany to project it in that direction. Thus, European gold was transferred to the American banks, making the Europeans the debtors of power. A new distribution of the world, colonies, sales markets and sources of raw materials was sought, as is now happening in today’s Russia and the People’s Republic of China.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, capitalism entered a new phase of its development, imperialism. The war of 1914-1918 was the result of the development of this imperialism.

The Russia of the conflict sought to occupy part of the Turkish Empire and increase its influence in the Balkans, Polish and Ukrainian lands belonging to Austria-Hungary.

The US eventually feared that the damage suffered by the German monopolies would ensure France’s dominance in capitalist Europe. They felt that defeated Germany could be a great place for investing North American capital and controlling the situation in Europe, as it did and we will see when evaluating such a development in the 2nd GM

Before Hitler declared war on the United States in 1941, many Americans of German and Italian descent were attracted to fascism, especially Catholics. Many of them, of Irish, Polish and Italian descent, were supported by Pope Pius XII. Hitler and Mussolini, influenced by a visceral anti-communism.

Domestically, American businessmen admired Hitler’s first two moves to take power in 1933: the elimination of the unions and the socialist and communist political parties. In the US, they unleashed the well-known persecutions of McCarthyism and FBI raids. Its director, Edgar Hoover, viewed it as an ideological threat to imperialist power.

As early as the 1920s, their major companies had invested in or associated with Germany. This was the case with Coca-Cola, General Motors’ Opel, the Ford factory, IBM’s headquarters in Berlin or Standard Oil’s German partner, IG Farben. All increased their capital under the Hitler regime between 1934 and 1939.

In 1939 General Motors and Ford controlled 70% of the German automobile market and provided all kinds of materials for the upcoming war.

Another beneficiary was IBM, which provided the punch card technology needed to automate the country even to identify Jews to confiscate their property and eliminate them.

This benefited an elite of more than twenty large and powerful American corporations such as Dupont, General Electric, Goodrich, Kodak, Westinhouse and even ITT.

By the time Pearl Harbor was attacked, all of these companies had established significant capital and presence in the German market. Dupont had invested in the German armaments industry. Its president supported the Nazis financially. Likewise, the President of ITT, of Texaco, a personal friend of the notorious Góring, had such connections.

In 1938, Hitler presented Ford with the highest government honor. He used and adopted the “Fordist” concepts of industrial mass production at the Auschwitz concentration camp. He also honored Watson, an IBM executive, during his visit to Germany.

US car manufacturers and oil companies are said to have been involved in the first German triumph. Without the trucks, tanks, planes and other equipment supplied by the German subsidiaries of Ford and General Motors, and without the vast amounts of strategic raw materials (which Germany did not possess) such as rubber, diesel fuel, lubricating oils and so on other products Texaco and Standard Oil, German forces could not have defeated their opponents in 1939 and 1940.

In 1941, the North Americans sought a rapprochement with the British, primarily for economic reasons. It is when the Soviets are deemed useful to move against Germany and help England, not out of sympathy but for economic, political, and military gain. They open shops in the USSR, which they considered more advantageous than those in Germany.

President Harry Truman, Roosevelt’s successor at the time of his death in the middle of the war, famously said: “If we see Germany win, we will help Russia, and if we see Russia win, we will help Germany.” help that both wear out as much as possible”. That’s how it happened.

At the end of the war, the Secret Services Office (OSS, which became the CIA shortly thereafter) focused its actions against the USSR with information provided by prisoners and commanders of the famous Nazi SS. In the same way, the US Army received reports from German generals about combat experience in Russian areas for new versions of attacks against the USSR.

Allen Dulles, director of the CIA since 1953, recruited Nazis and protected some of their bosses to model his strategies.

The North American army advocated the elimination of the communists in power and the guerrillas in the countries liberated by them, such as Italy, France and Greece.

When Truman came to the presidency, he intensified aggressiveness towards the USSR using what he called “nuclear diplomacy.” This started the Cold War. However, as today, the propaganda gave the impression that the Cold War was caused by the aggressive intentions of the USSR.

The collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics allowed them to clean up the imperfections of the 2nd General Assembly legacy and enabled a return to the unipolar United States hegemonism threatened today by the Sino-Russian alliance. They’re constantly trying to cause these confrontations. Today we are talking about Ukraine, but Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Latin America were also found on the scene of the clashes, not unrelated to the confrontation with Cuba and Venezuela. In short, they seek a return to unipolar geopolitical, economic, and military dominance.

As in the previous justifications, Ukraine was chosen to try to disrupt Russia’s development as a universal power, curb its hold on European economies and force them to engage in a series of sanctions that hamper each other’s development.

The distribution of new markets is not alien to this strategy, as in previous wars. Not only had China and Russia driven them out of Europe, but also because of their extensive presence in trade and investment in Latin America and Africa.

They have no explanation for the Russians’ denunciation of their funding and scientific involvement in the laboratories in Ukraine, chemical weapons development and their biological warfare, which we know well. Now, none other than the current President’s son, Hunter Biden, is one of those involved in this and other deals in this country.

Known as the Azov Battalion, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia was trained by US military organizations, including the CIA. It is said that in its formation it was composed of those who had no military experience, Nazis who fought on the streets, at football matches, organized around an extremist party. In fact, in 2014, the battalion became subordinate to the Department of Defense. Since then he has acted against the people and even against members of the Ukrainian army who did not want to fight against his people. They feature guns, drones, helicopters, tanks and retain the black sun as their symbol, the same used by the Ukrainian SS Battalion during the 2nd. GM

In summary, the media war that is taking place is designed to silence this whole story in order to eliminate the ability to think.

Also read:

Ukraine: United States/NATO vs. Russia (I)