K Fed Lawyer Shares Statement After Britney Spears Announces Her Pregnancy

K-Fed Lawyer Shares Statement After Britney Spears Announces Her Pregnancy on Instagram

The latest news of Britney Spears’ pregnancy has shaken the world. The former pop star and her fiancé Sam Asghari couldn’t be happier about this development, which is the latest example of happiness in their life after conservatoire. Someone else who sounds excited about this news is Spears’ ex-husband and father of their two previous children, Kevin Federline, who shared his own reaction through his attorney who responded to the announcement.

Amid the social media blitz announcing Britney Spears’ announcement of her upcoming third child, Kevin Federline’s attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, issued a quick but positive reaction from his client, according to NBC News. It said:

He wishes her the best in a happy, healthy pregnancy and congratulates her and Sam Asghari on their joint plan for the excitement of parenthood.

Married between 2004 and 2007, Britney Spears and the man once known as “the rapper K-Fed” had a whirlwind romance that is sometimes (okay, often) named for her MTV reality series Britney and Kevin: Chaotic” did credit. Over the course of those three years, Spears’ relationship with Kevin Federline deteriorated, eventually leading to him being given sole custody of their two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James. In 2018, Federline successfully filed for increased child support payments from his ex-wife, which only made matters worse.

Marriage, which was a constant topic of conversation in the mid-’80s, has largely faded from public view as Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have taken their own lives in very different directions. The carefully measured testimonies of Kevin Federline’s legal representative seem to support the idea that they are more cordial these days as no ill will is evident. K-Fed even offered a somewhat supportive response to Britney Spears’ efforts to end her 13-year conservatorship late last year, a notion also floated by Mark Vincent Kaplan.

As Britney Spears continues to reflect on the past restrictions of her conservatory, she also celebrates her newly restored freedom. Things are already looking better with social media posts celebrating her love for Sam Asghari, as well as the announcement of the baby they are expecting in the near future. Perhaps she and Kevin Federline will continue to repair fences in this next chapter in the name of a more united family. Only time will tell, so everyone can only wait.

While we don’t know when any new music or projects will hit the road from Britney — or Kevin Federline, technically — she’s currently working on her memoir. Much like Jamie Lynn Spears’ own volume of personal stories, there are bound to be untold stories about Kevin Federline, as well as a whole host of other characters in Britney’s life. We’ll just have to wait and see when this book arrives, but in the meantime it’s nice to see that this pair of notorious exes seems to be on friendlier soil.