Ukraine Travaglio in La7 Biden cannot accept that the war

Ukraine, Travaglio in La7: “Biden cannot accept that the war is shortlived, he is sabotaging the negotiations”

“Americans insist on verbal escalation because they must support military escalation.” To say the least, guest of Lili Gruber at Otto e mezzo, on La7, he was the director of il Fatto Quotidiano, Marco Travaglio. Regarding the words of Joe Bidenwhat Wladimir Putin Allegedly committed genocide, he declared that “he cannot accept that the war is shortlived, which is why he is sabotaging the negotiations” between Russia and Ukraine. “Fortunately, and this is the second time Macron has stopped, he added, “we find that in this war there are the invaders, that is, the Russians, the invaders, that is, the Ukrainians, and the possessed. And fortunately, Macron and Scholz eliminate some hotheads.”

La7 video

War in Ukraine, the Deputy Prime Minister of Kyiv:

See also

War in Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister of Kyiv: “Russian soldiers rape women in front of their children”. Segre: “We cannot remain indifferent”

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Ukraine, question and answer between Russian journalist and Lilli Gruber: “War? No, it’s a special military operation. “We see death and destruction”


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Ukraine, the policy of rearmament instead of diplomacy is driving away peace
