Warning in Venezuela of the advance of fascism on a

Warning in Venezuela of the advance of fascism on a global scale

In statements to Prensa Latina regarding the celebrations of the World Summit against Fascism from April 11 to 13 in Caracas, the expert pointed out that the spread of these extremist political positions is a staggering phenomenon that has recently worsened.

“This is not rhetoric, we see a world divided by this recomposition of the far right and their proposals, and on the other hand by capitalism’s own need to generate authoritarian processes in order to recompose itself,” explained León.

Also a member of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, she pointed out that transnational corporations, the military-industrial complex and the big media syndicates have taken disproportionate power in the global world, a control they are increasing through authoritarian governments search. .

“Obviously, capitalism is trying to reposition itself and can only do so by confiscating any idea of ​​collective management, participatory democracy or socialism,” he said.

In this sense, the Ecuadorian political scientist added that this so-called recomposition of capitalism will be accompanied by the reorganization of the far-right forces through coordination aimed at generating joint actions, she warned.

Irene León gave the example of the initiative to create the so-called Iberosphere; “There are parties like Vox from Spain and others of the extreme right in Latin America who intend to launch a neo-colonial project, to put the values ​​of the colony on the table, updated on the imperialist side,” he explained.

They are very obscurantist movements in defense of the corporate world and this new format of global capitalism that proposes the deconstruction of cultural and national identities in a fascism adapted to the rules of the 21st century, the expert warned.

Faced with this scenario, the Ecuadorian sociologist stressed the importance of strengthening the articulations of democratic movements that defend the right of peoples to seek their own forms of organization, to live participatory democracy and to manage a sovereign political-economic project.

In this regard, the expert highlighted the initiative to hold the International Summit Against Fascism in Venezuela, which brought together in Caracas nearly 200 intellectuals, academics, political activists and representatives of social movements from more than 50 countries.

Convened as part of the commemoration program to mark the 20th anniversary of the civil-military victory over the April 2002 coup, the event focused on the debates on the new faces of the far right, the importance of alternative communications and the experiences of struggle and popular resistance for the new times.
