Zelenski urges Europeans not to remain silent

The Ukrainian president spoke on Friday, more than a week after the Russian invasion began.

He appeals to Europe’s neighbors. President Vladimir Zelensky spoke briefly on Friday, nine days after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine. After a minute of silence for the fallen soldiers, and then for the civilians affected by the conflict, he addressed European countries and their populations.

“Please do not remain silent, take to the streets, support Ukraine, our efforts and our struggles. “If Ukraine does not stand, Europe will not hold out,” he said. “If we fall, the whole of Europe will fall.”

“Every one of you today is Ukrainian”

“Support our freedom, because this victory is not only against the Russian army, it is a victory of good over evil,” said Vladimir Zelensky.

Frankfurt, Bratislava, Prague, Lyon, Paris … Each of you is Ukrainian today “, concluded the Ukrainian president with a raised fist in front of the camera.

Earlier in the day, Vladimir Zelensky accused Moscow of resorting to “nuclear terror” following a Russian fire against Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

Hugh Garnier is a BFMTV journalist