Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov again accused the West of using the special military operation in Ukraine to unleash a hybrid war on all fronts against the Eurasian nation.
“Using the crisis in Ukraine as a pretext, the collective West has effectively declared a hybrid total war on us. It covers the most diverse areas, including the informational one,” Lavrov assured while attending the conference on the digital age of international relations.
According to the foreign minister, the West claims the title of beacon of democracy and “grossly violates its international obligations” regarding freedom of expression and equal access to information.
For Lavrov, these nations forgot about these obligations as soon as Russia began to defend its legitimate interests.
The minister even recalled the stage of international agreements within the framework of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which were considered to be based on universal human values common to all.
“In 1990-1991, numerous OSCE documents were adopted, then, as you know, everything seemed so rosy in a wave of euphoria about universal human values, and we went to the future confident that these values universal human beings would come our way brighten up a future that will surely be bright for everyone,” said the diplomat.