Putin Now Europe has no way to replace Russian gas

Putin: ‘Now Europe has no way to replace Russian gas’ But he is working on plan B: “Align exports to Asia

“Now there is no way to replace Russian gas in Europe.” Wladimir Putin He is certain that, in his opinion, Russia will also win the energy war, not just the one in Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy seems to fear that the intruder might be right. Perhaps that is why he directly accused Germany and Hungary of leading the opposition to the total embargo European Union.

Putin dedicated a special meeting of his government to the energy hub to take stock of the consequences of Western sanctions. “Try to displace us“Replacing our energy resources with alternative supplies will inevitably affect the entire global economy,” he says, but the main recipient of his message is the EU, for which the reference market remains export of hydrocarbons. “European countries are talking about cut Russian supplies and in doing so they are destabilizing the market and raising prices for their citizens, Putin warned, adding that these are, among other things, empty threats. “They themselves admit that they cannot do without Russian energy resources, including the natural gas, simply because there are currently no reasonable alternatives for Europe”. Counting on deliveries from other countries like the United States is not yet possible for the Kremlin boss: “They would cost consumers many times more, affect people’s standard of living and the competitiveness of the European economy”.

In fact, Russian oil and gas continue to flow regularly to Europe. In contrast to United States and Great Britainwho banned them. In Brussels, only the export of coal has been banned and there is reason to forego crude oil (subject to unanimity), while there are no alternative plans for gas in the short term. So much so that Ukrainian President Zelenskyy criticized the Europeans who pay “Bloodstained Money“In the coffers of Moscow. Berlin and Budapest in particular have been accused of blocking efforts to introduce an energy embargo from which Russia is expected to take over $300 billion this year. “Other friends and partners of ours he underlined understand instead that that now is a different time, that it is no longer about business and money, but about survival”.

However, it is no secret that the EU is anxiously looking for alternative solutions. For example, Italy, one of the countries most dependent on Russian gas, has launched a plan energy diversification. Among those who know Putin well is the idea that a “real energy embargo” could end the war and decisively weaken Russia’s economy. The forecast comes from Andrei Illarionov, who has been an economic advisor for six years Kremlinwho now lives in America.

Putin himself, beyond the triumphalism of the facade, is aware that the scenario could change, and not for the better. “We have to assume that in the future, Deliveries to the West will decrease‘ he admitted to speaking to his ministers. By entrusting them with the task of acting on two levels: on the one hand feeding the domestic market and on the other “our exports towards Markets in the south and east that grow fast”. China and India but above all also “Africa, Latin America and AsiaPacific. To achieve that Plan B The Kremlin has ordered the “construction of new pipelines”. Occurrence in western and eastern Siberia“And to speed up the implementation of infrastructure projects such as railroads, oil pipelines and ports.” But this maxi conversion of infrastructures, which is currently mainly aimed at Europe, will not be easy.