Energy EU Council uphill Scholz and Rutte dont want the

Energy, EU Council uphill: Scholz and Rutte don’t want the roof. Orban: “EU suicide will not help Ukraine”. Draghi: “Act now”

Act now, keep the EU united and keep the single market. These are some of the key points made by the Premier Mario Draghi he stressed during his speech at the table of the European Council. Draghi’s intervention was described as “clear” if not “harsh” by the same sources. Among the points raised by the Prime Minister, as we shall learn, was the need to put some form of price cap and solidarity instrument like this on the table Secure on energy. Furthermore, the new clash between European energy leaders is taking place over a temporary dynamic price cap proposed by the Commission. The latest draft of the conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Brussels – the last attended by the outgoing prime minister in Italy – it certified an agreement on the use of the term, which appears to be very vague. L’Italy he wants the summit to give a clearer mandate. but Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Austria and Hungary continue their missions. And on the subject of the backbone of European architecture, the one in between Paris and Berlin. Also because the first has now formalized the task of the pipeline project Midcat that he should have transported the gas arriving on the Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe and later also transported green hydrogen to Germany. These tensions have pushed prices back up tt Amsterdam: Futures for the month of November, which fell to 113 euros/megawatt hour on Wednesday, returned to 130.

“The text on the table is intended to compensate for the different positions. The aim is to lower prices,” said the EU Council President Karl Michael calls for “a constructive debate” and recalls “the support of various delegations” for the draft conclusions. But the entry declarations do not bode well. “The latest Brussels plan for the EU gas price ceiling is the same embargo totally on gas. That economic suicide it won’t help Ukraine. I expect a great debate at the European Council,” the Hungarian Prime Minister tweeted Viktor Orbandoes not contribute to climate change.

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the Dutch Prime Minister Markus Ruette they, in turn, believe that even a temporary and dynamic price cap is counterproductive because it is risky LNG suppliers flee towards Asia. “The tools” to lower gas prices “must be intensively discussed because they have to work, no one wants to no more petrol” Scholz said to come out on top. Then defend it again 200 billion “shield” He stresses that this corresponds to 2% of German GDP, “on the order of magnitude of the packages of measures that have been or are being put together elsewhere in Europe: in France, in Italy or in Spain”. “Today there will be an agreementjoint purchase Gas, and we will ask the Commission to look at other options,” Rutte limited himself to avoiding the “ceiling” questions.
Dear Energy, new missions for Germany and Holland before the EU Council:

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Dear Energy, new missions for Germany and Holland before the EU Council: “No to temporary price caps and new joint debt”

On the contrary, the French President Emmanuel Macron Arrived at the EU summit, he hopes for “mechanisms” to “reduce gas and electricity prices” and “more financial solidarity”: “In this function we will ask for unity Guarantee or Loan Mechanisms‘, an idea that has already been discarded from the start thrifty in the last weeks.