Latvia the strongest prime ministers party after the election

SPÖ Rendi Wagner leader invited to debate on corruption

Thomas Schmid’s confession shook Austria’s domestic politics. Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen says a general overhaul of trust is needed. National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) defends himself against the allegations and announces legal action against Schmid. The NEOS demand new elections, the FPÖ a special session of the National Council. SPÖ president Pamela Rendi-Wagner is invited live on ZIB2.

quick exit

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned. After just six weeks on the job. The search for a successor begins again. Boris Johnson is already considering a comeback. Political scientist Melanie Sully analyzes in the studio.


For years, a Carinthian man abused his three daughters. The initially six-year-old son had to attend. After years of torment, he confided in his aunt, who contacted the authorities. The man is in custody.

ZIB2 Marie-Claire Zimmermann, 10pm, ORF2

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