You have reached your son

“You have reached your son”

Nourished presence at the funeral of the band member who died at the age of 80
Last Tuesday. His wife: “Now he has joined his son Alessio”

A long round of applause accompanied this morning at the Church of San Siro in Genoa Nervi Franco Gatti, the mustache of the rich and the poor, who died last Tuesday. To the tones of “Can’t help falling in love” by Elvis, his favorite singer, hundreds gathered in the church to greet the musician, many ordinary people, rang out. For him white and yellow roses and the crowns of many colleagues, including those of Toto Cotugno. Among those present was Pupo, who defined the rich and poor as the Italian “Abba” and had written for them “It will be because I love you”. “His greatest gift was the last words he said to me: I love you and I will always love you,” confessed his wife Stefania, “and now he has come to Alessio,” the son who tragically died in 2013 .

Full of rich and poor

To greet Gatti were all the rich and poor, Angelo Sotgiu, Angela Brambati and Marina Occhiena, the musicians who have been collaborating with him for many years. During the homily, Father Mauro said: “Butterflies have no voice, but when they fly in the sky they whisper freely and you, Franco, did it when Jesus asked to take you to Alessio. We will miss his humility and availability, he was a great person, but you will be with us every time we hear a song from the rich and the poor ». Niece Vittoria read a message on behalf of the family: “For us relatives it was family, he was the uncle, being a famous singer came later – he said –. Whenever he came home from a tour and we asked him how he was doing, he always replied “andante con brio”. “The same as he answered me the last time I heard him, he was a very wise man,” Marina Occhiena recalled with a smile. “There are no words to express our sadness – admitted Angelo Sotgiu and Angela Brambati -. We remember him and we will always carry him in our hearts, an elegant, serene and honest person, he was above all an honest person. We are very touched.”

October 20, 2022 (Change October 20, 2022 | 19:48)