Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of

Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation

Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation

2022-10-20 15:18:59 / National Radio News

Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation

Maria Zajárova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry | Photo: By Prensa Latina

NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation with Russia, spokeswoman for the Slavic giant’s foreign ministry Maria Zajárova has warned.

At his traditional daily press conference Zakharova denounced that NATO countries continue to pump arms and ammunition into Ukraine, provide them with intelligence information, train soldiers and direct the conduct of hostilities.

The nations providing these vast amounts of money and arms are the donors, the sponsors of extremist activities, According to Zajárova, who pointed out that total Western military aid to Volodymyr Zelensky’s regime now stands at $42.3 billion, more than half of it from the United States.

For this reason, Zajárova took the view that NATO countries are trying to blame everyone in order to divert suspicion from themselves, stressing that the European Union (EU) has become part of the conflict by sending deadly weapons to Kyiv delivered and sent a training mission for the Ukrainian military.

Authorities in what is now Russia’s Zaporozhie region and formerly a Ukrainian province warned today that the President, Volodymyr Zelensky ordered his troops to capture the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. and take the Kherson region at all costs.

This was assured by the member of the Zaporozhye regional administration Vladimir Rogov Zelenskyy is urging his generals to carry out this plan ahead of the November 8 midterm elections in the United States. when the Joe Biden administration gambles for control of Congress.

Rogov took note of a Washington Post report that Biden had told Zelenskyy that Congress could refuse to allocate more weapons to him if he continued to complain about insufficient US aid.

Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine | Photo: The information

The member of the Zaporozhye regional administration warned that Russia has the ability to defend its territory and accused Volodimir Zelensky of being a war criminal who continues to systematically drive residents of the territories he controls to certain death in order to further enrich himself and please his western masters.

Meanwhile, Russian forces are keeping the situation in Kherson’s defenses under control against sporadic attacks by Ukrainian troops, said the region’s deputy governor Kiril Stremousov.

In his account on the social network Telegram, Stremousov commented that the Ukrainian military is trying to advance in small groups, so it cannot be assumed that there will be a counter-offensive from Kyiv to capture Kherson.

The deputy governor of this former Ukrainian province reiterated that the Russian armed forces are ready, no one intends to extradite Kherson, and a counteroffensive will be launched to drive the Kiev troops out of the Nikolaev, Odessa and Denipró regions.

Russian speakers predominate in these three regions of Ukraine, as do the provinces of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhie, already incorporated into Russia after the majority of the populations of these four areas voted in a referendum to join the Slavic giant.

Meanwhile, it was learned that a delegation from the United States was visiting Turkey, where they met with businessmen, as well as officials from the Eurasian nation’s Ministry of Finance and Treasury.

Anti-Russia sanctions were the main topic of talks at the US mission, led by Elizabeth Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime Issues.

Washington claims that the Turkish government has failed to show solidarity with the West by imposing restrictions on Russia, and that Ankara has even increased cooperation with Moscow, particularly on energy.

Russia warns that NATO is approaching a dangerous line of direct military confrontation

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Joe Biden and Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO | Photo: Extracted from BBC

Turkey takes a non-aligned stance on unilateral restrictions, which is why the United States is trying to put pressure on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The visit of Turkey’s Deputy Finance Minister for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime is not the superpower’s first attempt to influence Erdogan.

In August, another US Deputy Treasury Secretary said, Wally Adeyemo sent a letter to the Turkish Business and Industry Association threatening sanctions against doing business with Russia.

In September, US authorities warned banks in Turkey about the risks of using Mir, the Russian payment system, prompting these companies to suspend transactions through the channel.