1666295235 Alexei Navalny says he is the subject of new charges

Alexeï Navalny says he is the subject of new charges punishable by thirty years in prison

Alexei Navalny in a police car in Moscow on May 8, 2012, the day after Vladimir Putin's inauguration. Alexei Navalny in a police car in Moscow on May 8, 2012, the day after Vladimir Putin’s inauguration. SERGEY PONOMAREV / AP

In Russia, jailed opponent Alexei Navalny confirmed on Thursday October 20 that he is facing new criminal charges of “promoting terrorism”, “inciting extremism”, “financing extremist activities” and “rehabilitating Nazism”.

Read the editorial: The Navalny affair, a turning point in Russian history

“The lawyers calculated that it was about thirty years [de prison]taking into account the penalties provided for each of these articles “of the penal code,” he said in a message sent by his team in social networks.

The 46-year-old anti-corruption activist, who is said to be the main critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said he received a notification informing him about the opening of this new criminal case, although he is already in jail.

Already sentenced to nine years in prison

“I’m a genius in the criminal world. (…) They all thought that I had been in solitary confinement for two years, but in fact I was actively committing crimes.” he jokedcongratulated the Russian investigators on their “vigilance”.

According to him, these new allegations are partly related to videos released by his exiled allies, who continue to crack down on Russian power from abroad.

Alexei Navalny was arrested on his return to Russia in January 2021 after suffering a serious attempt at poisoning, which he blames on the Kremlin. In March 2022, he was sentenced to nine years in prison under a “strict” regime because of “fraud”, which he considers fictitious.

Read also the article reserved for our subscribers Navalny case: the opponent in prison for nine years

He continues to send messages to his lawyers denouncing Vladimir Putin and his intervention in Ukraine, which are then published online by his team.

That summer he repeatedly claimed to have been put in a punishment cell in his penal colony near Vladimir, 200 kilometers east of Moscow.

Read also The Navalny affair complicates relations with Moscow

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