Minister Meloni the list for the new government from Tajani

Minister Meloni, the list for the new government: from Tajani to Nordio

Totoministri, on the obstacle course to success Martha Cartabia in via Arenula, after the start of the consultations, with a view to the probable award a Giorgia Meloni To form the government, the judiciary has at stake the names of the former President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellatiand the former PM Carlo Nordio: Both announce “awaiting the decisions of the leaders” but the tones are different, with the Melonian candidate who seems to have planted the arrow to have the investiture as keeper of the seals.

Tuesday Silvio Berlusconi Casellati had announced OK for Justice Melonis, but his citations as Keeper of the Seals would drop. It is no coincidence that yesterday morning at the Villa Grande, the former Prime Minister met former prosecutor Carlo Nordio, new FdI MP and named by Via della Scrofa as future Minister of Justice.

The Putinian Cavs’ “stolen audio” always weighs on the negotiations for the ministers in blue, despite the denials and the “shooting corrections.” However, they say that in the end, when the situation is decanted, the troop commander’s words should not break the basic scheme, starting with the most important box, the Farnesina, which was “promised”. Antonio Tajani. Currently, in addition to the current country coordinator of the party, who could also become vice prime minister together with him Matteo Salvinithe blues eligible for the government upgrade would be: Casellati himself (not for justice), Gilberto Pichetto Fratin (preferred for the green transition, but which could be ‘dumped’ by the energy delegation, FdI demands); the outgoing president of the forced senators Anna Maria Bernini and the deputy Gloria Saccani Jotti (Competition for the university).

Yesterday’s election of the vice-presidents of the chamber and the senate gave another sign on the ministerial grid. Appointed Deputy once Ignazio La Russa the Senator of the Northern League Gian Marco CentinaioUntil a few days ago, it was still assigned to agriculture, but now the rumors that assign this department to the FdI are growing: they are on the way Roberto Berutticurrently on the cabinet staff of the EU Agriculture Commissioner e Luca DeCarlobut there are those who bet it might end up winning Francesco Lollobrigida, Meloni’s right-hand man in Montecitorio, who would relinquish his position as faction leader in the Chamber. Al Mise (as long as he is ’empowered’, that is with such strong delegations) is given as the favourite Guido Crosettowhile we always talk about it in European affairs Raffaele Fitto.

To the Giovanbattista Fazzolarithe shadow man of Meloni, it is always about the presidency of the state secretary in the presidency of the Council (the delegation to the secret services is to be held by Meloni in the meantime). Daniela Santanché would be in the running for tourism. The name of the future Minister of the Sea is unknown, strongly requested by the head of Via della Scrofa, who should involve the delegation of ports, strategic for the management of illegal immigrants, who should be “stolen” from the promised infrastructures League.

A follower of the President of FdI, Marina Elvira Calderone, could become the new Secretary of Labor. Meloni was able to hold the defense (Adolph Urso would remain among the favourites) and give the oxen to a technician in the Home Office, a position which still sees high prefect prices Matteo Piantedosi.

On the Lega front, Salvini wants to continue to overcome difficulties: “People are asking the centre-right party to govern well and to hurry up,” he told Silvio Berlusconi, who welcomed him to lunch. Via Bellerio after the regression in agriculture, Matteo Salvini confirms the infrastructure and vice-premier in the team. armchair that holds in the totonomi these days, Giancarlo Giorgetti to the economy while Robert Calderoli should deal with regional issues involving the issue of autonomy. TO Simona Baldassare The family ministry should go. always in league, Giuseppe Valditara is Pole for the Ministry of Education.