RussiaUkraine war CIA warns Putin is desperate no one can

RussiaUkraine war, CIA warns: “Putin is desperate, no one can take lightly the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons”

there “despair” for the continuation of the conflict on the ground Wladimir Putin the use of “tactical or lowyield nuclear weapons”. The CIA warns of the danger of a military escalation decided by the CIA Kremlin underscore that the US has not noticed any signs of this at the moment To fly prepare for such an attack. In a public address at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the director of the CIA said, William Burnswarned that “given the desperation of President Putin and the Russian leadership at the setbacks they have experienced militarily so far, none of us can take it lightly threat represented by a potential recourse to tactical nuclear weapons or low yield”.

Burns’ hint is connected with the decision to withdraw after losing the positions from the northern front near the capital irpin and Bucha and repositioning in southern and eastern Ukraine fifty days after the invasion began. But of course also when theCruiser Moskva, “Jewel” of the Russian Navy. The frustration dictates through huge losses also by men the Kremlin spokesman has already admitted that Dmitry Peskov could be the basis for a postponement of the use of even deadlier weapons to try and make a change military operationsalso with regard to the May 9tha date considered crucial because it is when Russia celebrates it day of the victory about the Nazis in the Second World War.

Therefore, the new threats that have spread from Moscow to Sweden and Finland do not seem to be accidental. “If they come to the Bornit will no longer be possible to speak of a nonnuclear status Baltic. The balance must be restored,” said the Vice President of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedevwho has worked out the role of in the last few weeks Falcon of the Kremlin. To the words, Moscow immediately added the facts and sent them to the northern borders heavy vehicles and men with a move read as an inevitable escalation of the Ukraine conflict. Now it depends angry replies from Russia, which Burns says the United States does not seem to take lightly.

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