The federal government plans to realign the Stromer “environmental bonus” purchase award. As announced in mid-April, there will be no more subsidies for plug-in hybrids from 2023 onwards. In the case of electric cars, a staggered subsidy reduction is planned, two-thirds from the federal government and one-third from the respective automakers. The auto industry criticizes this, environmental organizations think the planned changes are good.
“Considerations of phasing out funding for plug-in hybrids jeopardize the rise of electric mobility at an already tense time and ignore the realities of consumer life in Germany,” said Hildegard Müller, President of the Automotive Industry Association (VDA). ). . In view of a “charging infrastructure still completely underdeveloped”, plug-in hybrids are pioneers and would create confidence in the shift to electromobility, because here there is no “range anxiety for long-distance travel”.
Implementing the current considerations “would be a decision against consumers, against the rise of e-mobility and ultimately against Germany as a place of business,” says Müller. Government purchase awards are an important incentive to motivate people to start using e-mobility and make it easier. The premium for e-cars works, as can be seen from the sales figures.
The readjustment of the environmental bonus, which is currently up to 9,000 euros, planned by the Federal Ministry of Economy has not yet been coordinated within the coalition. Economy Minister Robert Habeck has already made his position clear. “We want to sharpen the focus on the future promotion of electronic cars and focus more on climate protection,” said the green politician. “In our opinion, plug-in hybrids are marketable and no longer need public funding.”
The FDP parliamentary group is against the plans of the Ministry of Economy. The parliamentary group’s transit policy spokesperson, Bernd Reuther, referred to the coalition agreement with the German Press Agency. There, the semaphore parties agreed to continue promoting plug-in hybrid vehicles. There is no reason to back out of this deal now. Every vehicle that can be electrically operated contributes to achieving climate goals.
“A disservice to climate protection”
The Central German Automobile Trade Association (ZDK) and the International Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK) also criticized the plans. “Ending funding for plug-in hybrids would slow the rise of electromobility and make it more difficult to achieve climate targets,” says VDIK President Reinhard Zirpel. With its proposals, the Economy Ministry is doing “a disservice” to climate protection, said ZDK Vice President Thomas Peckruhn. “It is naive to think that PHEV stakeholders are now collectively opting for purely battery-electric vehicles. Instead, many people will opt for a new combustion engine or continue using the old combustion engine.”
Meanwhile, the ACE auto club is warning of an early end to state subsidies for purely electric vehicles. From ACE’s point of view, funding should end as soon as possible when the traffic light coalition’s target of at least 15 million electric cars registered in Germany is reached. As per current status, electric cars will no longer be subsidized after 2025. ACE approves the end of support for plug-in hybrids which is indicated at the end of the year.
Environmental groups also support abolishing the subsidy for part-time electricians. Greenpeace announced that it was overdue to end the ecologically and economically absurd promotion of plug-in hybrids. The Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Germany also agrees that the federal government should directly rely on fully electric vehicles.