what is the situation on the ninth day of the conflict?

The shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant has sparked outrage from the international community, forcing the UN Security Council to convene urgently. Kyiv is still resisting the invader, but several other Ukrainian cities have been bombed or besieged.

The nuclear threat took on another dimension this Friday in Ukraine. One of the country’s power plants, and by the way the largest in Europe, was bombed by Russia. Fortunately, if there is no serious incident, Europe and the United States are outraged and worried about Moscow’s maneuvers. Back to this nine days of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

• The nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, subject to Russian fire

Clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continued on Friday. Although Kyiv remains under Ukrainian control despite heavy bombing, the Russian army column is approaching the capital, near Hostomel Airport.

Fighting continued in Chernihiv, north of Kyiv, where Ukraine accused Moscow of bombing a residential area and schools on Thursday, killing 47, according to the latest report. The city of Zhytomyr, 150 km west of Kyiv, has also been subjected to Russian bombing.

In Zaporozhye, Europe’s largest nuclear power plant was attacked and captured by the Russian military, an event that caused fear and outrage around the world. Early in the morning, however, the Ukrainian regulator said the fire caused by artillery fire was extinguished and no radioactive leak was detected. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has called on him to step up Western sanctions against Moscow following the attack.

• Extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council

At the request of the United Kingdom, an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council was held this Friday following the bombing of the Zaporozhye power plant. US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the Russian attack posed a “huge threat to the whole of Europe and the world”.

However, Russia, through its ambassador to the United Nations, called the accusation a “lie”, accusing Ukraine of causing a fire at the facility.

Emmanuel Macron said he was “extremely concerned about the risks” to nuclear security “as a result of the Russian invasion” and “will propose in the coming hours (…) concrete measures to ensure” the security of the five Ukrainian nuclear sites.

• Vladimir Zelensky’s appeal to Europeans

Nine days after the invasion began, Vladimir Zelensky is still holding on. The President of Ukraine spoke briefly this Friday from Kyiv. After a minute of silence for the fallen soldiers, and then another for the civilians affected by the war, he called on the Europeans.

“Please do not remain silent, take to the streets, support Ukraine, our efforts and our struggles. “If Ukraine does not stand, Europe will not hold out,” he said. “If we fall, the whole of Europe will fall.”

Several demonstrations will take place in Europe this weekend, in particular in Paris, in support of the Ukrainian people. According to the latest UN figures, 331 Ukrainian civilians have died since the start of the war, including 19 children.

• The specter of censorship in Russia

On Friday, Vladimir Putin signed a law imposing harsh sentences of imprisonment on anyone who publishes “false information” about the military in the midst of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

The text, recently adopted by lawmakers, also envisions sanctions for “calls for sanctions against Russia”, which is facing harsh Western retaliatory measures.

On Friday night, Russia’s Internet regulator Roskomnadzor began “restricting” access to Twitter after blocking Facebook shortly before. Decision based on a request from the Russian prosecutor’s office on February 24, the day the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

• Putin is open to dialogue if “all Russian demands” are accepted

The Russian president said in an interview with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that a dialogue for peace with Ukraine is possible only if “all Russian demands” are accepted.

“Russia is open to dialogue with the Ukrainian side, as well as with all those who want peace in Ukraine. But provided that all Russian demands are met,” the Kremlin report said. Germany “.

Hugh Garnier with AFP journalist BFMTV