Ice cream machine makers are suing McDonald’s for $ 900 million

The creators of a device that repairs ice cream machines at McDonald’s filed a $ 900 million lawsuit against the international fast food chain on Tuesday.

A small company known as Kytch is suing McDonald’s in federal court in Delaware for allegedly disregarding it through fake advertising, according to 133-page court records.

Kitsch introduced this action to set the record, to protect the rights of the civil law company, to limit McDonald’s anti-competitive behavior, to recover compensatory and punitive damages, to protect consumers from false and misleading advertisements, and finally to repair broken soft paper machines. McDonald’s service, “the company said in a lawsuit.

The Hill turned to McDonald’s for comment.

Kytch was founded by Jeremy O’Sullivan and Melissa Nelson to solve problems with McDonald’s ice cream machines, which break many times and become a widespread problem, which is even joked about by the profile of the fast food chain on Twitter.

Kitsch claims that the makers of the ice cream machine, a company called Taylor, have exclusive rights to repair soft serve machines at McDonalds, leading to a “profitable scheme” between the two companies. Kitsch also claims that Taylor allows his own machines to break down or remain picky about profit.

Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Federal Trade Commission was investigating similar problems with McDonald’s ice cream machines.

In 2019, the startup developed the Kytch Solution, essentially a computer device that connects to soft-drive machines and allows remote control and monitoring, which “minimizes the need for expensive repair meetings,” Kitsch said in a lawsuit.

Kytch won approval from the National Restaurant Association, but McDonald’s and Taylor, hoping to develop a similar device modeled on the Kytch Solution, ran fake ads claiming the Kytch Solution was dangerous, the company said in a lawsuit.

The campaign to discredit Kytch was successful in “destroying” small businesses, according to the company.

“Kytch’s damage was immediate and monumental,” the company said in a statement. “McDonald’s illegal behavior has had severe financial consequences for Kytch, its founders, investors and employees.”