woman sentenced to six years in prison for allowing her son to become a child soldier of ISIL

This Swede was convicted of war crimes and violations of international law.

Article written byplaceholder 36b69ec8

Posted on 03/04/2022 16:09 Updated on 04/03/2022 17:03

Reading time: 1 min.

A Swede who joined the Islamic State organization in Syria was sentenced to six years in prison on Friday (March 4th) for allowing her son to enroll as a child soldier in a jihadist group.

The 49-year-old woman has been convicted of war crimes and violations of international law “for not preventing her son, when he was 12-15 years old, from being recruited as a child by an Islamic State soldier in the armed conflict in Syria, “The Stockholm court said in a statement. A teenager named Joan died during the conflict in 2017, at the age of 16.

The mother “did not act adequately to prevent” recruitment, “nor did she want to prevent it, her role as a child soldier is in line with her beliefs” for her, the court said. This is the first time that a case of recruiting a child soldier, that is, under Swedish law, under the age of 15 has been tried in the Scandinavian country.

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