KGF 2 isn’t a beast, it’s a monster (pun intended). The gangster drama directed by Prashanth Neel has accumulated in the range Rs. 44.75 to 46.50 crores on Friday to take the two-day total by Rs. 100 crore mark. While the film has a chance to clock Rs. 100 crores in just two days, it all depends on how strong each screen has held up.
If Tier 2 and 3 numbers are as strong as Thursday, a two-day net total of Rs. 100 crore in the Hindi belts will be done and dusted. And we won’t know until Saturday morning. The film continued on an earth-shattering run across India, showing a nominal drop of just 15 percent since Day 1.
To collect Rs. 45 crores on just a partial holiday is an achievement of great magnitude and one that could be difficult to repeat in the months to come. The film is now heading for a four-day bank holiday at Rs. 180 crores. While the film already holds the record for biggest opening day, it is sure to take the title of biggest opening weekend in the Hindi belts as well.
Yash has become a star and a name that will resonate with audiences. He needs to make the right decisions going forward to remain one of the most bankable names in Indian cinema. KGF 2 to Yash is what Baahubali 2 was to Prabhas. And it is the path taken by the respective films that determines their position in the Indian market.
Final readings may be slightly higher or lower depending on how well the ground straps held up. But nothing above Rs. 40 crores is a historic achievement and KGF 2 has surpassed that benchmark with flying colours, as day two’s numbers will be close to Rs. 45 crores.
Other pages: KGF – Chapter 2 Box Office Collection, KGF – Chapter 2 Movie Review