1650140323 Uruguay under inflation shortages and falling wages

Uruguay under inflation, shortages and falling wages

Uruguay under inflation shortages and falling wages

Montevideo-. The call for an upcoming massive May Day against hunger and hunger, for jobs and wages marked a week of confrontation with the effects of inflation in Uruguay today.

Pit-Cnt leader, Marcelo Abdala, announced that along with workers’ immediate demands, “a prospect for building a solution program for the great national and popular majorities” would be considered in principle.

In this sense, he pointed out that it includes “the middle sectors, small urban and rural businessmen whose work has to do with internal demand, which is affected by this adjustment to the greater inequality of big business”.

A new survey in Uruguay confirmed again that the economy is the main concern of the population, this time expressed by 40 percent of respondents, 32 pointed to insecurity, 20 to unemployment and 19 percent to inflation.

The representative of retirees and retirees at the Social Security Bank (BPS) of Uruguay, Sixto Amaro, called the government insensitive to the rollback of the July 2021-January 2022 adjustment, which included increases of 13 percent in food prices for a passive population Purchasing power and quality of life were lost.

In addition, the People’s and Solidarity Coordinator of Uruguay confirmed that more than 100,000 impoverished people are going to the collective food pots to alleviate the hardship in the households of the 300 distribution points in Montevideo suffering from supply shortages.

During the week, the Senate Finance Commission, made up of ruling parties Nacional, Colorado and Cabildo Abierto, and opposition party Broad Front, voted unanimously on a list of 19 foods that are proposing a value-added tax (VAT) cut for months.

Previously, the executive had ordered that measure for just 30 days, nothing more than strip meat for roasting, baked goods and pasta, which Freteampista Senator Daniel Olesker called late and inadequate to mitigate the effects of inflation in homes that barely match are five dollars.

The lawmaker-economist explained that annualized inflation has risen since May 2021, rising 13 percent year-to-date for food and in some cases 35 to 40 percent, while wages in January were up just 3.5 percent for private workers and 5 percent for the public had increased .

For its part, the Ciudadanos del Partico Colorado sector presented the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou, with further proposals for measures consisting of an increase in economic transfers for the poorest sectors and a bonus for pensioners.

Meanwhile, given the rise in the price of the basic basket and its Montevideo counterpart, Carolina Cosse, the mayor of the department of Canelones, led by front party leader Yamandú Orsi, favored small local businesses selling small items preparing to introduce the same ease.