Even a future king can be bullied. The king in question is Charles III, ruler of the United Kingdom. And that he was bullied emerges from a television documentary entitled Charles: our new king (Charles, our new king), which is being broadcast by Itv.
In fact, he was interviewed in the documentary John Stoneborough, the same age as the sovereign, who attended the same school. And Mr Stonborough says: ‘The thugs scared him. They took advantage of rugby matches to attack him, hit him and pull his ears.” Yes, in the viewfinder precisely because Windsor, precisely because it’s real.
Until then, Gordonstoum School had been a quiet, sheltered place. But with the arrival of the future sovereign, the rules became stricter. This was the reason why the comrades unleashed reprisals against Karl. Not only that, but Stonborough explains that “the headmaster made the mistake of telling us to treat him like anyone else. But he wasn’t one of us. He was accompanied by a private detective. And one day he would become king.” That day, as we know, has come.
But first the horror of bullying. So much so that it is told in the documentary that it was very hard times for Carlo. In fact, during physical education hours on the Scottish ice, the companions competed to see who could hurt him the most. Meeting the future King of England was a source of pride for her.
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