Sonia can’t read the messages; Gio reveals Bruno Anitta’s tone

Senhora do Destino actress Sonia Abrão and Gio Ewbank debunking Anitta are TV Foco highlights

Keeping up with behindthescenes news from the world of celebrity and television has always been something Brazilians have always loved. With this in mind, TV Foco has decided to separate the most read news of Saturday November 5 especially for you. Among the highlights: ThatActress of Senhora do Destino, Sonia Abrão and Gio Ewbank exposes Anitta.

Unable to finish reading the news, Sonia Abrão apologizes to the public: ‘I don’t feel well’

Sonya Abraham had this Thursday (3) on RedeTV’s “A Tarde é Sua”! a gigantic fit of laughter. The journalist was preparing to read an article about the Sertanejo Tiago Piquilowho gave new information about the penis enlargement surgery he had last year.

After a tense message about Juliette going to the hospital with a bad cough, the presenter suggested giving a lighter message but couldn’t. “I was about to say, ‘Let’s see if I can find something cuter,’ but…” he trailed off and burst out laughing.

Sonia Abrão tried to speak about the singer’s condition but was again interrupted by a fit of laughter. “Speaking of ‘Piquilo’ by Tiago Piquilo. Here’s the news folks. Tiago Piquilo opens the game over…”, the famous one fired to many laughs.

The journalist even tried to justify herself and asked Vladimir Alves to read the news published on the Em Off portal. “We’re sorry. I don’t feel very well. I’ll start laughing right away, you’re reading it,” explained the veteran. She had already laughed after the same columnist said tuberculosis was a widespread disease.

See how Ana Paula Arósio is today at the age of 47 after being missing for 12 years and has reappeared in a shocking photo  reproduction

See how Ana Paula Arósio is today at the age of 47 after being missing for 12 years and has reappeared in a shocking photo

Cauã Reymond reveals what he thinks and feels about Grazi and doesn’t want to hide it from Globo

Carolina Dieckmann, Juliana Martins and Fernanda Rodrigues in "Work out" (Photo: Advertisement/TV Globo)

The Malhação actress saw her famous boyfriend’s betrayal live on TV and fell into despair: “My world has ended”

One of TV’s most beautiful women, Lady of Fate star died and you didn’t know it

lady of the target was one of the most successful soap operas on Globo and influenced Brazil with its plot. However, many fans of the storyline were surprised by the news of the man’s death Theresa Amayo, one of the actresses in the storyline who ended up losing the battle with kidney cancer.

Aside from Senhora do Destino, where she starred alongside Susana Vieira and Renata Sorrah, Theresa Amayo also had successful roles in other soap operas such as Pecado Capital and Gina early in her career. In fact, the Senhora do Destino actress was even recognized by Contigo magazine! mentioned as one of the most beautiful women on television.

Gio Ewbank reveals audio Anitta sent to Bruno Gagliasso and his reaction: ‘For you who speak’

Gio Ewbank He is usually very present on his social networks and often shares his everyday life with his followers. This time the famous one decided to show that she had traveled to Madrid, Spain with them Bruno Gagliasso. However, the couple has received a little special help to deal with the new language.

Incidentally, Bruno Gagliasso’s private teacher was Anitta. On his social networks, Gio Ewbank showed a special video of her husband interacting with the singer. In the pictures, the presenter showed the very moment when the actor received an audio from the artist.

Anitta tried to help Bruno Gagliasso, who would give a series of interviews in Spanish. With this, the singer recorded some audios in which he read the actor’s text while listening and trying to reproduce it. The famous one even said in the audio that “it’s not that difficult”. Gio Ewbank’s husband responded to the statement.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: The Globo actor is buried alive and the revealed illness became a scandal in Fantástico