“I tell privately how I experienced the Remigi case”


The journalist explained how she experienced the fall of the 84-year-old singer in an interview conducted by Francesca Fialdini

I tell privately how I experienced the Remigi case

Released November 6, 2022

Serena Borton Go back to the case that overpowered his speech, Today is another daythat is, what protagonist has seen Memo Remigi and Jessica Morlacchi. The singer touched his colleague’s butt live and was fired on the spot by Rai. Bortone announced the artist’s departure on TV on October 27. “I’ll stop here for now,” he announced, expressing his solidarity with Jessica. We are arriving on Sunday 6th November with the journalist who was visiting Francesca Fialdini in program With us… freewheel.

A photo of ‘stable effects’ Today is another day. The shot is from when Remigi was part of the team. Fialdini, of course, seized the ball to ask Bortone for a cold comment on the can-can that erupted around the 84-year-old: “How did you personally experience the Memo and Jessica Morlacchi affair?”. The journalist didn’t shy away from the question, explaining that she deeply regrets the way the whole story unfolded:

“Really, it was a great pain, a great heartache, because, as I’m sure you understood, I’ve always tried to have authentic relationships – and working on a newspaper, you know – relationships that are always based on understanding, trust and happiness based. A message that made me very bitter.”

Many expressed their attachment and loyalty to Jessica, but not a few also those who felt that Remigi’s dismissal was too severe a punishment. “In life – and even more so at work – I cannot turn a blind eye to an injustice that is so… very sad,” Bortone said, again implying that she felt there was nothing to be done in the face of such a situation except distance of the singer to continue talk.

For her part, the host of Da noi… Freewheeling has commented on the case and openly sided with Morlacchi. Then, like his colleague Bortone, he made it clear that he equated Remigi’s punishment with his mistake. “Say hello to Jessica…I want to say that mistakes need to be paid for in proper measure; However, it is important to give such a signal, because this is Rai, “said Francesca Fialdini in closing the topic.

Memo Remigi believes he has undergone inappropriate treatment

Memo Remigi, who apologized several times, albeit belatedly, to his former colleague Morlacchi, thinks very differently compared to Bortone and Fialdini. However, the singer, despite admitting the mistake he made, believes that Rai treated him improperly. Speaking of being dismissal, he said he thought it was “unfair due to the disproportionate severity of the verdict”. He then added that he was “morally devastated”. “At my age, it is not easy to overcome the serious state of mind that the Rai company, with which I have linked my entire artistic life, has thrown me,” he concluded.