Woman hailed as ‘the tallest in the world’ travels lying down for the first time

Turkey’s Rumeysa Gelgi, 25, who is considered the tallest woman in the world according to Guinness World Records, traveled for the first time in her life from Istanbul, Turkey, to San Francisco, USA, in a specially constructed aircraft. The trip took place on September 30th.

The conversion of the aircraft was necessary so that the passenger could spend 13 hours in the horizontal plane.

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Gelgi, who is 2.15 meters tall and has Weaver’s Syndrome, a rare condition that accelerates the growth of the human body, had never traveled by plane. On her social media, she shared the pictures on the plane, lying on a stretcher.

Due to the syndrome, which can cause spinal complications such as scoliosis, Rumeysa has not been able to sit still for that long. To accommodate them, six rows of seats were removed to allow the traveler to be comfortable on the flight.

In the Instagram post thanking the crew for their dedication, she said: “This was my first flight but it certainly won’t be my last parts of the world.” Heart.”

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