Caracas, Venezuela. – That they bring US human rights abuses (HR) to justice around the world. The Secretary-General of the Youth Organization for Human Rights of Iran (YHRI), Amin Ansari, called for it in that capital.
Along with other prominent academics, veteran diplomats and international policy experts from different parts of the world present at a forum here last weekend, the representative of Iran denounced the US empire as the greatest violator of human rights and called for a cessation of its many crimes brought to justice against humanity.
Amin Ansari deplored that the denounced manipulator is administering such inalienable rights in his own interests and demanded that the United Nations and all organizations dealing with the sensitive matter have the northern power tried by an international court for its cruelty.
His war crimes, committed in prisons (the illegal naval base) in Guantanamo (Cuba), Bagram (Afghanistan) and Abu Ghraib (Iraq), where he brutally abused and tortured detainees, Ansari stressed, should be prosecuted.
dr For his part, Ángel Rafael Tortolero Leal described the arrogant hegemon of the North as the main sponsor of wars and destruction, a country which he also harshly criticized “sponsors Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians”.
Meanwhile, Ramón Alberto Escalante, a professor at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, proposed creating a global united front to counter the US empire’s injustices at the international level, arguing that humanity already knows the brutal face of the North American country.
Ramón Alberto also denounced the northern power’s use of unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela (much like Cuba’s) after failed attempts to appropriate the country’s natural resources by other means.