Trial of Fire takes place today; Pele is confident

This morning on “A Fazenda 2022” (RecordTV) Pelé and Ruivinha were in the gym talking about the next start of the farm. The rapper believes he’ll be nominated directly by Farmer of the Week Bia and says he’s confident of competing in the Trial of Fire today.

“Damn if there was a resistance today. Holy shit brother. I guarantee myself a lot in these tests,” explained the farmer and Ruivinha added: “Resistance, huh?”.

Pele explained: “Endurance, agility. The thing I played with the pawn was aiming when I have to throw something, you know? I’m good. I did well in these tests.”

TikToker suggested a member of Group B on the dynamic of the remainder to not resist Pele against the pawn test: “Well, if you go to the country, the remainder must stay with us because if you stay with them they will veto” .

Yesterday at dawn, the rapper threw himself on the floor after the party and begged Bia not to recommend him to the country. The farmer didn’t respond.

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5th winner: André Marinho

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4th Winner: Pele Millows

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3rd Winner: Iran Malfitano

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2nd Winner: Deolane

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1st Winner: Iran Malfinato

The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano is the first winner of the fire test

Playback / Playplus

Wanna see the fire in the hay? Get all information about “A Fazenda” directly on the Splash channel on Telegram. To, click here or search for “Splash UOL A Fazenda” and select “Enter”.

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Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


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