Tatiana Maranhao became known throughout the country as one of the Paquitas of the Xuxaand continues to work with her to this day as her advisor, regularly updating her social media to chat with her followers.
However, this Sunday, November 6, the artist used her official Instagram profile to reveal that she has been diagnosed with lipedema, a disease recognized this year by the WHO (World Health Organization) and that she has many years long did not know what she had.
Still, she mentioned how uncomfortable it was to be judged by her body all the time when people don’t know what she’s going through, beginning her outburst with phrases like “Have you seen how fat this Paquita is?”, ” Marlene sent her away because she was overweight”, “Wow, she has cellulite” and “Tati, you have to love yourself more”.
Read+: Smooches, Fights, Threats: The Paquitas Controversies That Got People Talking!
“I spent my adolescence hearing all kinds of ignorance about my body, aside from the lopsided, disapproving looks on the beach that made me dig into my bikini even more in protest yes, I am that! It’s just that it’s impossible to take me out of the game, baby, despite all the difficulties I faced, I was always more me and I never gave up on myself,” she began.
“Anyway, the truth is that exercise and food never solved my problem. I went through dozens of doctors of all specialties, but none could diagnose me. Dissatisfied as always and with the help of my friend google I discovered dr. @dfabiokamamoto for finally naming what I have,” the former Paquita said.
“No gentlemen, it’s not about sloppiness or weakness of will, what I have is a disease that affects one in ten women and is called lipoedema, recognized this year by the International Classification ICD 11, announced by the WHO,” revealed Tati.
Read+: Xuxa presents a replica of Ayrton Senna’s uniform to the son of a former Paquita
“It’s my friends, this being of light is taking a huge weight off my back and God willing he’s gonna take it off my thighs too…KKK…jokes aside, I’m just emotion and gratitude today.”
“I want to use this space to help other girls who are going through the same problem and the judges of the 80s audience (on the internet today) are warning that we should treat what we don’t know with more respect. Judge less, love more. And no, this post is not an exchange, just welcome and lots of love,” concluded Tati Maranhão.
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