Edo Tavassi: “I hate people’s superficiality” Big Brother VIP

in the courtyard of the house, Edo chat with Edward and Antonella and when he speaks of human relationships, he finally comments on the attitude of some of his fellow residents.

“I hate people’s superficiality,” exclaims the videomaker, explaining that despite the fact that it’s been a few days since the start of his #GFVIP adventure, he’s found people in the house who, instead of being superficial, have plenty of it. In fact, after witnessing various episodes, Edo believes that she is very picky in conversations Oriana because he prefers to address only objectively handsome boys. “He never asked me for anything,” he adds, underscoring the disinterest the influencer has shown toward him.

“I tricked this girl right away,” says Antonella, who agrees with Edo that Oriana doesn’t care about her teammates. “We see it’s superficial,” he concludes.

to intervene in the speech Daniele, who from what he has heard advises Edo not to focus too much on Oriana’s attitude, as he thinks many girls could be attracted to him mainly because of his sunny character and sense of humor. Speaking of influencers, however, he says he agrees with their point of view and admits to having noticed the same superficiality and the same selectivity: “You talk to me and Antonino”.

Considering the beauty of the influencer, Edo’s thought doesn’t change: “I don’t want someone like that in my life,” he concludes, once again underlining his point in the face of so much superficiality.

The two return to talk about their roommates’ character. Daniele tries to make Edo understand that not everyone has the same character and the same way of approaching her and that it takes time for him to get to know his teammates better.

The videomaker takes the entrepreneur’s advice, but inevitably wants to set an example, saying he’s upset because he’s on one side George – despite being shy and very reserved – shows a great desire to get to know him, on the other hand there is Oriana who doesn’t bother in the least to associate with him.

Oriana’s superficiality apparently annoys Edo. Will the two be able to bond over the days or will they end up ignoring each other?