The case could have gone unnoticed as the Covidomedia deliberately tried to silence its scope, indeed this is of unprecedented importance: Switzerland has experienced an unprecedented drop (-3.4 standard deviations from the long-term average) in its birth rate, exactly nine months after starting the anti-Covid vaccination of its citizens aged 20 to 49
. who says better Perhaps the newspaper Le Monde, a press organ dependent on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which – under the pretense of not understanding anything – explains to us that we have also experienced a “terrifying” drop in life expectancy in the USA. When are we really going to get our lethargic citizens and our incorruptible elites to admit that these Covid vaccines are light years away from a favorable risk-benefit ratio? good reading
(This report was presented to the Great Council on September 5, 2022 by Messrs. Kullmann, Martin, Speiser-Niess, Rashiti, Krähenbühl. This is the full transcription.)
Fall in births on a scale not seen in 150 years – is it due to the vaccination against COVID-19? Data from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) show that since January 2022 [1]In Switzerland and the canton of Bern, the number of live births fell like never before
. In February 2022, only 628 live births were registered.
According to our calculations, this value deviates by 3.4 standard deviations from the long-term average (January 2015 to June 2022). This is the largest decrease since OFS collected live birth data (1872). There is an urgent need to identify the exact causes of this decline. Basically, it is impossible to infer causality based on a simple correlation,
but the observations set out below are nonetheless disturbing.
First, we observe that the sharp decline in the number of live births occurs exactly nine months after vaccination was opened up to all people aged 20-49.
Then compare between regions,
There is a correlation between the decline in the birth rate and the vaccination rate. In Eastern Switzerland (vaccination rate: 49.7%) births fell by 8.6% compared to 18% in Zurich (vaccination rate: 63.9%).
However, the data do not allow a comparison between the declining birth rate and the number of COVID-19 cases or COVID-19-related hospitalizations. [Recul de la natalité dans les cantons suisses] The following graphics are taken from the 66-page document “Declining birth rates in the Swiss cantons”. [2]
published on August 13, 2022 According to Konstantin Beck, full professor at the University of Lucerne and consultant for health economics, [3]This method cannot formally demonstrate a link between the decrease in the number of live births and the increase in immunization coverage
. [4]However, Mr Beck explains that certain putative causes such as the slight excess of births in 2021, the stress linked to the pandemic and the evolution of the number of abortions or COVID-19 infections do not explain the decrease in the number of births and concludes that “In view of the data available to us on births in Switzerland, it can be assumed that the vaccination is the cause of the surprising and significant drop in the number of live births”
The Board is asked to answer the following questions 1. Is the Executive Board aware that since January 2022
we are experiencing a dramatic and unprecedented drop in the number of live births in Switzerland and the canton of Bern?
2. What answers does the Executive Council have to explain this phenomenon?
3. Is the Executive Board aware that the following questions have been raised as part of the extensive studies by Pfizer and Moderna that served as the basis for the explicit approval of the vaccines?
To name a few: numerous conflicts of interest, no double-blind studies, very short observation times, manipulation of data, delayed reporting of side effects, questionable estimates of the deaths of participants in studies in which the vaccine was vaccinated, dissolution of the placebo group. [Études sur les vaccins à ARN messager : douze points qui font réfléchir](See Infosperber: mRNA vaccination studies: twelve points to think about [5]
08/08/2022) 4. Is the board ready for the future? to comply more closely with the principle of free will in the case of interventions in the medical field,
and in particular for interventions requiring a permit? 5. The DSSI website currently states that a booster vaccination is recommended from the age of twelve. Is the Executive Board prepared as a precautionary measure? review its recommendation while in doubt
on the links between the historical decline in birth rates and the vaccine against COVID-19?
Reason for the emergency: The data on the decline in live births in the canton of Bern are alarming. Especially with regard to the strategy to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need to elucidate the causes that could be behind the connection.
– Great Council
Parliamentary intervention
Intervention number: 181-2022
Type of intervention: interpellation
Application with directive character:
File number: 2022.RRGR.299
Submitted on: 05.09.2022
Group application: no
Committee motion: no
Submitted by: Kullmann (Thun, UDF) (spokesman) Martin (Ligerz, Die Grünen) Speiser-Niess (Zweisimmen, UDC) Rashiti (Gerolfingen, UDC) Krähenbühl (Unterlangenegg, UDC)
Co-signer: 0
Emergency Requested: Yes
Urgency Granted: Yes 09/08/2022
ACE number:
Directorate: Directorate for Health, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Classification: –
Notes and sources:
[2] (**)
[4] Cantons Declining birth rates (
[5] Twelve points that make you think – infosperber