Final sprint before midterm: a heated US election campaign is coming to an end

Both are not directly on the ballot, but campaign for votes for Republicans or Democrats: Donald Trump warns of the “radical left”, Joe Biden of “election deniers”.

Two days before the US midterm elections, President Joe Biden once again emphasized the importance of upcoming votes. “Democracy is literally at the polls,” Biden said at a campaign event in New York state Sunday night (local time). In the US state of Florida, however, there was something of a confrontation between potential Republican candidates for the 2024 presidential election.

Former President Donald Trump, who, like US President Biden, is not at the polls on Tuesday, used the moment to campaign vigorously for Republicans – and for himself. In Miami, the 76-year-old repeated the story of the stolen 2020 election to cheers from his supporters, once again warned of the danger posed by the “radical left” and flirted again with his candidacy in the 2024 presidential election.

Not a word about Trump challenger Ron DeSantis

It was noticeable that Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was absent from Trump’s big rally – and the former president didn’t mention him. The 44-year-old, who wants to be confirmed in office next Tuesday, is considered Trump’s strongest domestic contender for the 2024 presidential election. According to polls, DeSantis has a good chance of winning the gubernatorial race in Florida.

While neither Trump nor DeSantis have officially announced their candidacy for the presidency, at least Trump’s announcement is expected after the “half term”.

Democrats shudder for majority in Congress

At the end of a multi-state multi-state campaign tour, Biden campaigned for Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, who wants to prevail in a surprisingly close race against Republican Lee Zeldin. In his speech, Biden once again warned against Republican candidates who openly questioned — or even denied — recognition of election results. “I don’t play with these election deniers. For them, there are only two possible election outcomes: either they win or they’ve been fooled,” she said. There are “two fundamentally different views of America,” Biden said. Voters would have to decide on Tuesday.

On November 8, Americans will vote for a majority in the US Congress and various governments and other offices. Democrats are in danger of losing their majority in the US Congress. If that actually happens, Republicans are likely to largely block Biden’s policies for the next two years.
