BRASILIA The Presidentelect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (EN) plans to review ambassador nominations by the current President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to the Senate. At least 15 ambassadors have already been formally introduced by Bolsonaro, whose hearings have stalled since the campaign began. With the change of government, the foreign minister, Carlos FrancaShe took the first step and called the former chancellor Celso Amorimone of the articulators of the PT team.
The introductory meeting between them took place on Friday morning 4th and it was agreed that from next week, after Amorim resumed its activities, they will meet again to discuss details of the transition and the country’s new representatives abroad Having operated in São Paulo on Tuesday 8th, Carlos França in tone, classified as soft and republican, was even willing to meet Lula’s former minister outside of Brasília.
Former ambassador Celso Amorim is already negotiating a review of names nominated by the Bolsonaro government for Brazilian embassies abroad Photo: Marcelo Chello/Estadão
“I know the situation. It is a delicate matter that we must analyze as the transition progresses,” Celso Amorim told the Estao. “People understand what it takes to keep things running smoothly. We don’t want to upset anyone, but of course the ambassador is the personal representative of the President of the Republic. Those are trusts. Everything will be civilized, the necessary measures will be taken, without the spirit of persecution.”
In addition to reviewing nominations, the new government will also encourage a range of changes among holders who are active in strategic positions. The main one is Washington, a representation headed by Nestor Foerster Jr, Diplomat identified with Bolsonaro. There will also be an exchange in Buenos Aires and at the UN representation in New York.
With the change of government, the future of Chancellor Carlos França himself and his closest team will be negotiated on a casebycase basis with Lula’s team in a process known as a ‘testament’. At the end of the term, it will be the responsibility of the head of the Itamaraty to lead the talks to reallocate the ambassadors in the diplomatic rotation according to the positions available.
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During meetings in Itamaraty, França has already determined who will be the representatives of the Ministry of Transition. The contact person is the Secretary General for Foreign Affairs, Fernando Simas MagalhaesNumber two in the portfolio hierarchy, backed by his chief of staff, Gabriel Boff Moreira. Seamus’ next post, suggested for the embassy in Italy, is at stake.
Privately, the ambassadors of the current Itamaraty leadership acknowledge that the nominations will be reviewed. The elected government hints that it won’t go without having names that Lula closely trusts.
to Estao, Itamaraty formally said the hearings would be held in the penultimate week of November, beginning on November 21. The concentrated effort in the Senate has been postponed to November 2223. But senators involved in the discussions say musical chairs could still be delayed in the foreign service. There are international summits that can disrupt talks, such as Cop 27in Egypt, and the G20 in Indonesia. The matter will be discussed at a meeting of heads of state and government convened by the President on Monday 7th Rodrigo Pacheco (PSDMG).
“Maybe that’s not an issue. It may be that by then, I hope, things will calm down because you can talk more sensibly,” the former foreign secretary said during Lula’s two terms in office. “It is advisable to wait for the talks. The person who is now being appointed should stay for three or four years. We can always remove the name, but that’s not good for anyone, not even the diplomats themselves.”
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (CRE) is mindless. The last approved ambassadors were approved in June. Since then no Sabbath has advanced. Next Thursday, the 10th, the new President will be elected. By agreement, the position at the senator will become vacant hope amine (PPSC).
The fear of PT Bank and Lulaaligned senators, including in Centrão, was that senators linked to Planalto Palace would try to hastily approve names allied to Bolsonarianism. This would mean Lula would be forced to reverse appointments from January, at a political cost and expense. The matter was treated as an act of “stupidity” behind the scenes in the Senate by the Bolsonaro administration.
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But even at Itamaraty, changes to the list are expected, albeit partial. An ambassador reminded that even if the new heads of mission were approved at the end of the year, in practice they would not take up their posts until January, with their credentials already signed by Lula and no longer by Bolsonaro.
If there is no agreement to withdraw some of the names by the end of November, PTBank is already preparing two lawsuits in the Senate. The Senator’s team Humberto Costa (PTPE), a member of the Commission, defends the temporary suspension of the hearings and intends to appeal to Pacheco to remove from editing the messages sent by Planalto.
The focus is on embassies considered strategic for foreign policy, some of them key posts in the “Elizabeth Arden Circuit” that brings together the most popular targets of diplomacy. From the list that has reached the Senate, Buenos Aires, the World Trade Organization (WTO), The Hague, the Holy See and Rome need to be checked.. PT members say these positions are sensitive and that ambassadors should agree with the presidentelect. The names will be verified by the PT and Amorim teams.
“In my opinion, some of these nominations can be revised, remain in limbo, because they are strategic posts in international relations. This is the case of Buenos Aires, which, alongside bilateral relations with Argentina, is the structuring axis of Mercosur and regional integration.”
Marcelo Zero, Senate PT Counselor and Specialist in International Relations
Behind the scenes, parliamentarians and diplomats admit that there are candidates with a Bolsonarismrelated profile or even conservative ambassadors who are nominated because of their ideological leanings, despite being technically qualified to fill the positions. It would not be a personal issue with Itamaraty staff, but a political slant.
Of the most sensitive embassies already mentioned, there is great concern about Buenos Aires, Argentina, Lula’s destination for a visit in the coming weeks. Bolsonaro’s candidate is currently the ambassador to Italy Helio Vitor Ramos Filhoformer International Advisor to the former President of the Chamber Rodrigo Maia (PSDBRJ). The son of former MP Hélio Vitor Ramos, he was Minister of Mines and Energy at the end of the FHC administration when the portfolio belonged to the former PFL in Bahia. He would substitute in Buenos Aires Reinaldo Salgadoappointed Ambassador to The Hague, Netherlands.
“In my opinion, some of these nominations can be revised, remain in limbo, because they are strategic posts in international relations. This is the case of Buenos Aires, which, alongside bilateral relations with Argentina, is the structuring axis of Mercosur and regional integration,” says PT Senate adviser and specialist in international relations Marcelo Zero, who is quoted as putting together the transition team Foreign Policy “It’s not about belittling the nominees from a technical point of view. It’s a natural political question to want to create your own team,” he emphasized. “Most are unproblematic, in principle there would be no problem, but there are some exceptions .”
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The main post of diplomacy, Washington, in the United States has not yet placed a “candidate” internally. But Ambassador Nestor Forster Jr., one of the Olavists in the Bolsonaro government, continues to show signs of appreciation for conservative politicians. The end of the cycle before the message is selfevident.
The French Chancellor’s chief of staff, Ambassador Achilles Zaluar, has already received official approval from the Vatican to take on an embassy to the Holy See. The position is different, however, which is seen as symbolic given Lula’s close ties to the Catholic Church and Pope Francis.
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Former Vice President of the New Development Bank founded by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Ambassador Sarquis Sarquis, current Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs, has been appointed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Position is also considered very important.
The growing call for greater participation of women in the front line of the foreign service was proposed by Ambassadors Paula Alves de Souza and Carla Barroso Carneiro to two United Nations bodies, FAO and Unesco.
According to ambassadors at the Itamaraty summit, current minister Carlos França had already confided to interlocutors his interest in taking over the embassy in London. But there was no formal notice.
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Secretary for Multilateral Political Affairs Paulino Franco even got the agrément from Emmanuel Macron’s government to take over the government in Paris the move was conditional on the resignation of Ambassador Luís Fernando Serra. However, this could be hampered by the government’s key relationship with Macron.
Minister for the Middle East, Europe and Africa Kenneth Nóbrega could take over in New Delhi, India. His name has also been considered in Berlin, where he currently commands Ambassador Roberto Jaguaribe.
Former government spokesman Michel Temer (MDB), Alexandre Parola, is expected to leave the WTO for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
As Special Advisor to the Government Secretariat, Ambassador Miguel Franco will travel to Ankara, Turkey, where he is Ministerial Advisor.