At 42 you start to feel old, but there are also people who start at 35: what are the signs

There are those who feel “old born” and those who are a perpetual Peter Pan, but more or less everyone comes a day in their life when they feel old. Age. On this day, after a opinion poll carried out in the USA, it reaches an exact age on average: 42 years. The average American, according to the survey reported by many media outlets including the New York Post, actually begins noticing the signs of aging right on the threshold of forty-two years of age, while the age at which one feels at peak health is 34 years old .

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The Signs of Aging

The survey included 2,000 Americans with representative samples from Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers. There are also 15% of respondents who say they have noticed that they are aging before the age of 35. The interviews conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the weight maintenance program also revealed that symptoms such as joint pain (39%), the occurrence of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes (37%), slowing down of the metabolism (35%), or weight gain (30%) are a few of the main indicators that respondents consider to be signs of aging.

good habits

“Although aging is inevitable — points out Rekha Kumar, Found’s chief medical officer — making healthy lifestyle changes is a preventative measure that can help mitigate age-related problems like weight gain and chronic diseases. In the last 100 years we have nearly doubled our life expectancy, so it’s important to be proactive in extending our healthy lifespans. The survey also shows that while respondents around the age of 39 realize they need to change their health and wellness routines, 21% admit to denying that their bodies are aging. Among those who choose to make changes, regular exercise, and better nutrition, 61% put off routine changes for three to six years, while 29% have up to two years.

Last updated: Monday 7 November 2022 2:32 pm