In “Travessia”, Leonor reveals to Helô that she kissed Moretti and assumes that she feels completely lost

Guida (Alessandra Negrini) has already noticed the atmosphere between Moretti (Rodrigo Lombardi) and Leonor (Vanessa Giacomo) in “Travessia” and will find a way to kick her sister out of her house. But none of this will help. In the next week’s chapters, Leonor finally manages to talk to Moretti about the end of their relationship. The businessman takes the opportunity to charm the girl and the two kiss. Leonor is touched and tearfully searches for Helô (Giovanna Antonelli). She tells her cousin that she kissed her sister’s husband and feels completely lost.

Continue reading: In “Travessia,” Chiara refuses to speak to Ari, telling her father that she no longer wants anything to do with the boy.

In “Travessia”, Helô kisses Stenio after saving him from a robbery

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