An ANPI president who is not above suspicion this is

An ANPI president who is not above suspicion: this is what he wrote in 2015 about Ukraine and Putin

A screenshot of a Facebook post embracing Vladimir Putin’s defense in an antiAmerican tone, defining the Kyiv government as illegitimate as it was “actually born out of a coup he plundered in the United States,” has been circulating for several hours is not new, it dates from January 14, 2015, but it was published by the current National President of Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo. reelected on April 12, 2022. This reaction was prompted by an article signed by Andrea Tarquini and published by Repubblica criticizing Putin’s absence from the Auschwitz celebrations the following January 27.

Pagliarulo lashes out at journalists, questioning their profession and insinuating that propaganda was “written under the dictates of the CIA.” The current Anpi president challenges the definition of Donbas’ “illegal annexation” to Russia, despite the fact that the referendums have not been recognized by any third international body. He also denies that there has been military aggression against Ukraine and Russian support for “Russianspeaking separatist terrorists” — whom he prefers to call “patriots of the East.” The latter has always denied, as in the case of the Russian paratroopers arrested by Ukrainian forces, that their soldiers were “lost” and therefore “accidentally” entered Ukrainian territory.

Here is the full text of Gianfranco Pagliarulo’s post:

And with this “article” (?) Repubblica has overcome itself: It’s not journalism; it is war propaganda. we see Here’s the beginning: “Everything can be expected from Vladimir Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin from now on”. It’s not the news. It is the author’s opinion. Further: “Military aggression against Ukraine with the illegal annexation of Crimea and military provocations was not enough, nor open support for the Russianspeaking separatist terrorists of eastern Ukraine, even open threats against Poland were not enough, Baltic countries and NATO in general” that my armies could invade in a few hours”. For the “journalist” (?!) Andrea Tarquini, a “military aggression” by Russia, an “illegal annexation”, “open support for the terrorists”, i.e. the patriots of the East, a open threat to the republics of the Baltic Sea and even NATO !!!. It is a string of sentences without a shred of evidence facing the total silence about the massacres of the Kiev regime and its illegitimacy (it actually arose from a coup d’etat sought out by the United States) contrasted with the activities of the armed Nazi gangs sent to murdering the populations of the East, about the devastation of democracy, freedom and human rights that has been happening in this unfortunate country for almost a year, about the riamo of the West in an antiRussian key, on the attitude (and not just the aggressive attitude of NATO. In short, there’s the bad Putin (as always, Americans painted a country’s leader devilishly before attacking him), and then there’s the good guys, including NATO. But who do you want to take with you? This garbage is not journalism. It’s just war propaganda. A propaganda that appears to have been written under the dictates of the CIA.

Evidence of Russian presence in Ukraine

The presence of the Russian military in the Donbass was mainly demonstrated through the new generation of investigative journalism conducted by the Bellingcat team. Putin denied that his army soldiers were on Ukrainian soil during the Donbass war, but journalist Simon Ostrovsky denied this on the spot using photos posted by soldiers from Moscow on the Russian social network Vk. Simon went to the locations where they were recorded and photographed himself impersonating the Russians to prove they were actually in Debalceve, Ukraine.

postfacebookgianfrancopagliarulo5Simon Ostrovsky’s service to prove that Russian soldiers were operating on Ukrainian territory.

Pagliarulo: “The Nazi Government in Kyiv”

It’s not the only one. On August 22, 2014, in a press release from the website, Pagliarulo argues that it was Ukraine that defined Kyiv as a “Nazi government” to seek conflict with Russia: “Read. It is clear that the Ukrainian government, which should be charged with crimes against humanity, does not want to send aid to the people it is bombing. It is also obvious that he is looking for any pretext to open an armed conflict with Russia. Finally, it is even more obvious that the United States, with the more or less suffered consent of the EU, is the puppet masters of the Nazi government in Kyiv.

The post about the Malaysian flight

On September 9, 2014, Pagliarulo shared an article from Repubblica about the report of the downing of flight MH17 on Ukrainian soil on July 17, 2014. For the current President of Anpi, the blame must have been on Kyiv:

The Dutch security agency’s report on the downing of the Malaysian Boeing was grotesque and reserved. The first conclusion is that it was shot down. Great find! The second conclusion is that if you look at the photos, which you have known for months and which I posted on Facebook a long time ago, which irrefutably prove that the plane was machinegunned by hundreds of bullets (most of them are holes rounded, smaller and folded in at the entrances, bigger at the exits and folded out), maybe it was hit by a missile! The Dutch go to great lengths to honor the Kiev thesis. Instead, it’s natural to believe it was shot down by an airplane or airplanes. Coincidentally, two planes from Kyiv were in the vicinity of the Boeing; in all likelihood, they first forced him to change course, and then shot him down with machine guns. But you can’t say that because this ailing Europe, unfortunately in the tow of the USA, is supporting the Kyiv government. It would be good to know what the Malaysian government thinks.


A joint investigation was entrusted to a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) composed of experts from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine, and concluded that the missile that shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has, is of Russian origin. The vehicle that launched it had been taken to a field near the then separatistcontrolled city of Pervomaisk and returned to Russia after launch. There were also satellite images provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) to support the investigation.


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