1667894904 If shes alive its only thanks to Berlusconi

“If she’s alive, it’s only thanks to Berlusconi”

If shes alive its only thanks to Berlusconi

Francesca D’Angelo November 08, 2022

His curriculum vitae is: pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. But then you ask him and he tells you: “Mano, I’m just an old man who always refused to grow up!” To speak is the Master Mazza: the accompanist in the TV adventures of Renzo Arbore, Corrado, Michele Guardì, Fabrizio Frizzi, Nanni Loy (to name a few) and before that the pianist of Little Tony. His are the acronyms of many TV shows, such as We we be that?, and ours has now published her first book: the autobiographical I Don’t Remember a Matzah (Bertoni Editore).

At least when Berlusconi was there.... Damilano, sensational slap in the face from the left

“A lot. But I promise: that’s enough, I won’t write any more! It was exhausting! Perhaps the idea of ​​a posthumous work appeals to me, saying what I haven’t said before. In fact, I would have died at this point: Please sue me! ».

Do you have pebbles that you would like to take off?
“Who doesn’t? Actually, mine is mostly a little bit of sand. But the temptation is there».

How did the idea for the book come about?
“The pandemic was “to blame” for everything. I was in a moment of tiredness, I had no TV program and I was sad. So I felt the desire to take stock of my life ».

Did he want to leave a mark?
“No sign of what? No, no: I didn’t do it to spread my work around the world! It was more of a gift I wanted to give myself: I’ve always been shy, a butt lover. Mo ‘I treated myself to a book!».

In the biography, to prove that he was born in Rome, he included a photo of a hole! Is it more representative of the Colosseum now?
“Well! Among other things, I lost the right front wheel of my car precisely in this hole. I thought I would sue the city, but then I gave up because it would have been annoying. Then what for? Just under a hundred euros? ».

Do you like the new Mayor Gualtieri?
“I still have to understand that. At first I thought, “What’s he doing? Not much has changed.” But now Rome is full of construction sites. So I hope that something finally moves. Then, of course, we Romans must also become better».

How do you mean?
“Do you think it’s possible that they throw the mattresses in front of the dustbins?”

He was Little Tony’s pianist for eight years: What was the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
“In reality he was a quiet boy, very polite, respectful. Do you think he always paid the fees for everyone out of his own pocket! As far as madness goes, we’ve only done a few: just the car races. It was really a gamble ».

Tell me.
“Tony had great cars and back then there were no seat belts or speed limits. I remember once Tony got up and we drove the Apennine route at full throttle in his Ferrari California ».

He then met Corrado and debuted on video for the first time. Those were the years of Berlusconi’s rise: did Fininvest revolutionize television like Netflix is ​​doing today?
“Of course! Berlusconi shook up the civil service, which would otherwise still be black and white. Rai was a mother and a lover: a very serious presenter, sometimes boring. Berlusconi’s channels, on the other hand, were more light-hearted and youthful. It was a new kind of television, which also changed the costume. Not always for the better, to be honest. Some logic of the conversation was pejorative ».

Today Berlusconi is back on the political stage: did he do well?
“I’m glad he’s here because I think he can’t do without politics. Forza Italia is, among other things, the knight: if he goes away, who is there? I have no idea… However, I don’t agree with some of Berlusconi’s statements, they sound very strange to me, but I don’t think even he really believes them ».

How do you mean?
“He is a very intelligent man. He probably says certain things to get on the news, but heck he does! (laughs, ed.) ».

Who is holding his cell phone: Lamberto Dini, accuses (uncomfortably) Berlusconi

do you like melon
“Yes, very much. I didn’t vote for her, but I’m happy that she won ».

But that’s paraculous reasoning!
“Uh, well! I didn’t vote for her to be at peace with my conscience, but I was so sure she would win! (laughs, ed.) I think she’s the right woman for Italy. My only reservation is for…the others: I hope they let her work without disturbing her too much so that she can keep what she promised. Among other things, Meloni is also good for the Democratic Party: it gives the alarm clock to the left”.

Let’s go back to her. After Corrado, it was Renzo Arbore’s turn with Quelli della notte and Back all… what remains of this world?
“Little. How I would like to go back to that time! We had a lot of fun! We were “invaders” within the Rai schedule: they went on the air when the channel theoretically had to be shut down. We could say everything, we experienced a lot ».

Do you think TV presenters still have this much fun these days?
“In summary. My impression is that we are not as honest as we used to be. We have learned to smile, to pretend that we are happy when we see each other: kisses, hugs, but in the end everything is fake ! Nothing is true. Me, Arbore, Frassica and the others were real friends. We didn’t bother to offer high content: we just played together, that’s it. “Who sees us anyway?”, we thought. But then we became a phenomenon».

Did you get your head at this point?
“Some did, but it was a temporary thing. At least not me, also because I never became a character. Not much has changed for me: it was always difficult to make ends meet, now as then ».

Isn’t he a wealthy man?

«I live from my music and that is the greatest wealth. But I don’t feel good: I’m a normal man».

Do you think Arbore has heirs?

“One yes: Fiorello.”

You have also collaborated with Michele Guardì. He gave Rai2 the only program that works today, I Fatti tua.

“It’s a very popular program that keeps company without causing harm. I really like”.

Giancarlo Magalli has not been part of the I fatti tua team since the outbreak of the “Adriana Volpe affair”: Do you think that he is actually so unsympathetic towards women?

«I don’t know if that’s true… Magalli is above all a somewhat impetuous man who, instead of cutting off his tongue, makes a joke. So in the end he slipped and I haven’t seen him on TV for a while ».

Claudio Lippi also ended up on the bench.

“It’s a pity! Lippi is very kind and talented, but inexplicably they don’t let him work ».

And you?

“I what?”.

When will he be back on TV?

“I have no idea, and what do I know!”.

aren’t you sorry

«Let’s assume that the television is in the habit of saying: ‘Hello, I’m here: I still exist and now I’ll tell you what I’m doing in the theater or in the concert’».

Your colleagues over 70 have succumbed to reality shows: a possible turning point for you too?

“No thanks. In the past they invited me to Big Brother, but I declined: I wouldn’t do it. I mean: They only have one bathroom – only one! – for all these people! It’s not for me.” .

What you need to learn from Meloni.  Concita, unthinkable swipe to the left