1668211650 In grief in the art world Macerata based gallery owner

In grief in the art world, Macerata based gallery owner Pio Monti dies

He disappeared today at the age of 81. The first activity began in Macerata during the Republic. Later he moved to Rome and the greatest artists of the second half of the twentieth century passed through his exhibition rooms. In Civitanova he opened the gallery “Permari e monti” with his children. The memory of Evio Hermas Ercoli: «He changed the horizon for me and for other young people. It deprovincialized the capital”

November 11, 2022 – 6:52 pm –

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Pio Monti

Pio Monti

out Laura Boccanera

Pio Monti, the legendary gallery owner, died today in Macerata. He was 81 years old. Its name is linked to the gallery of the same name, an outpost of the artistic avant-garde of the 1970s. Friend of Gino De Dominicis and animator of Roman cultural life, He is a reference in the world of art and galleries. Passionate, ironic, witty, with a brilliant wit and the “ball” of immortality, Pio Monti from Macerata never lost the original curiosity that made him, from a cosmetics salesman, a pillar of contemporary art.

As a lover of art and not of the market, he has always put the value of artists before sale. He had a partnership and personal friendship with his compatriot De Dominicis, and the Dorian artist was one of the most prominent in his galleries. The first gallery to open in Macerata in 1969 was called “Arte Studio Macerata” in Corso della Repubblica, where it hosted artists such as Mario Merz, Sol LeWitt, Ben Vautier, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Joseph Albers, Vincenzo Agnetti and many others.

During this period he made his first friends with some of the artists who would shape his career as a gallery owner, such as Emilio Prini, Vettor Pisani, Jannis Kounellis. From the 1990s he returned to the Marche, where he opened a gallery headquarters in Macerata, parallel to his activity in Rome, and around the turn of the year 2010 in Civitanova with his children under the name “Permari e monti” and finally in 2015 in Recanati. On the occasion of the exhibition “The future is past”, which celebrated his 40th anniversary as a gallery owner, he said: “I am not interested in the future or the past, I live the present actively and hard. Otherwise one would have to have three heads facing the future, the present and the past ». In memory of Evio Hermas Ercoli: “Was a pure avant-garde, I have a personal youthful memory because it changed the horizon for me and for many young Maceratesi, it deprovincialized a city like Macerata thanks to its gallery where we met optical art and characters that would become iconic in the contemporary art scene. In the first edition of Popsophia he brought a De Dominicis canvas over 16 meters high in the cloister of Sant’Agostino and we mounted it in the cloister to create a happening and was the protagonist of an event dedicated to De Dominicis and his gallery the following year he created in collaboration with us an exhibition on the theme of shoes in art with shoes by Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol ».


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