ELENA BALLERINI IS CHRISTINA AGUILERA, SUCH AND WHICH SHOW 2022 / Criticism of the jury: “Little resemblance”

Elena Ballerini is Christina Aguilera on Tale and what show 2022

The sixth contestant to appear in the finals of Story and what show 2022 is Elena Ballerini. Before she takes to the stage and perform as Christina Aguilera this week, a video shows how she prepared this week and what her difficulties were. After a few laughs with Emanuela Aureli trying to offer her some advice, Ballerini performs to applause from the studio audience.

The word then goes to the jury. Loretta Goggi speaks: “Similar make-up, I would have broken my voice a little more”; Giorgio Panariello then comments: “I agree with Goggi’s notes”; finally Cristiano Malglioglio: “She is a woman who must be rewarded because she has a lot of courage, she has interpreted impossible voices. Della Aguilera, but it was absolutely nothing”. (updated by Anna Montesano)

Elena Ballerini, new Tale and which Show 2022 impersonation: She has to impersonate Christina Aguilera

Elena Ballerini becomes Christina Aguilera in the seventh episode of So and what show 2022. A rather complicated test, but one that could put it at the top of the program rankings. The competitor has shown in recent weeks that she has important qualities and the expectations are inevitably very high. Especially after the cancellation of the sixth episode, when he received not very favorable judgments with his Maria Callas.

For example, Christian MalgioglioHe told her that he completely destroyed an untouchable character. However, harsh words, as always from the Tale and Which Show judge, contrast with the enthusiastic opinions of Loretta and Giorgio Panariello. Will Elena be able to get everyone to agree in tonight’s episode? During the week he worked meticulously on a great imitation. Now it’s your turn.

Elena Ballerini transforms into Christina Aguilera to forget the “divine” Callas

“You made a Maria Callas that you completely destroyed. They sang like the Ballerini, imitating Maria was a huge sin,” was the ruthless verdict Malgioglio during the sixth episode of So and what show 2022. Elena also and above all wants to convince him that evening and relies on make-up and her qualities as a mimic to achieve a higher score.

As far as we’re concerned, in these episodes Elena Ballerini He never disfigured himself and despite some unavoidable and understandable flaws, he always performed well. Who knows if in the shoes of Christina Aguilera will he be able to take a few steps forward or, on the other hand, will he have to deal with Malgioglio’s torment again.