Everest here are the images from the worlds highest webcam

Everest, here are the images from the world’s highest webcam

One has been activated cam with a unique mountain view Everest, the roof of the world. The device is mounted on the Kala PatharMountain in Nepal before Everest, in himalayan, at an altitude of 5,675 meters. Live images of Mount Everest – one per minute in the correct ambient light conditions – are captured from a distance of just 10 km as the crow flies. this is that “highest webcam in the world” announces the innovative start-up that activated it, EvK2Minoprio (born from the meeting between the project and the researchers of EvK2Cnr and the Minoprio Foundation).

It was first installed by Italian scientists as part of the project EvK2Cnr / Laboratory Observatory Nastpyramid EvK2. Webcam and WiMax antennas for image transmission are powered by an intelligent photovoltaic system that switches off when there is a lack of light to save battery power. Today the project is funded and managed by EvK2Minoprio along with Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (Nast) and a group of Italian universities: Unimi, Uni Chieti, Unica, Unibs. It aims to collect information and scientific data on climate change, particularly related to the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, studying the evolution of glaciers, water and related phenomena, human health, vegetation and fauna in the Everest region as well research related to seismics, geology and geophysics. There are also projects for development and capacity building in mountain areas