1668411563 Lore Improta tears the straps of her dress while dancing

Lore Improta tears the straps of her dress while dancing: “I have no manners”

Lore Improta broke her dress strap while dancing with her husband

Reproduction / Instagram

Lore Improta broke her dress strap while dancing with her husband

Dancer and influencer Lorena Improta shared stories on Instagram as she ripped the strap of the metal dress she wore to accompany her husband Leo Santana on stage at Wesley Safadão’s cruise.

She said goodnaturedly that she couldn’t dance. “Yes, I broke the dress. I have no dancing manners,” she wrote in her stories. The accident with the play happened at the moment when Lore, together with her husband, takes the stage for a solo.

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“The moment you like…this time it was the dress that broke. But we followed,” he wrote, leaving laughter in the stories.

In the recording, the audience vibrates as Lore dances, but the dancer is soon forced to hold the strap of her dress during the choreography of Leo Santana’s song Rala Rala. She still needed the help of friends and two pairs of pliers to fix her clothes.

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