Conte is a dancer German cuddle NGOs and Istanbul Well

Conte is a dancer, German cuddle NGOs and Istanbul: Well, today…

Montesano goes to Dancing with the stars with the X Mas T-shirt. The nice thing, he says, is that you looked at Rai’s T-shirt without raising any objections. Lots of goats, or was there a trap in sight?

– Attack on Istanbul: 6 dead and 81 wounded. I want to say that the nightmare of terrorism never ends, much as we think we’re already over it.

– I think Meloni will maintain a tough line migrants: Giving up now would be counterproductive. Other ministers will take care of the dialogue. But one thing is certain: the government is neither defeated nor victorious for the time being. And all in all, it’s not that bad.

– That Germany finance an NGO for sea rescue through Parliament. Alright, encore. But then also take the migrants being rescued by this humanitarian ship. It seems to me the minimum: or do you want to finance illegal immigration to a third country?

– This warning of his seems interesting to me Use toUkraine: “One begins to think about realistic wishes”. This means two things: 1) that Zelensky’s claims up until now have been exaggerated, starting with the recapture of Crimea and Donbass; 2) that the US is a little tired of a war lasting longer than expected and would like to start negotiations. The withdrawal from Kherson seems like an invitation to the table. Will Kyiv sit down?

With you Giuseppe criticizes the safety regulations that he himself signed. The question is: what was Count I drinking that day when he went to a press conference with a poster and slides? Now he likes dancers: twists and turns, changing his mind every time.

Ignazio Marino makes himself available to the M5S for the Lazio elections. The world is really extraordinary: but do they really always do huge laps and then come back?

Light version, causing migraines: you will excuse me