The Ugandan President accuses the West of climate change hypocrisy

The Ugandan President accuses the West of climate change hypocrisy

MADRID, November 14 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has accused Western countries of hypocrisy when it comes to commitments to mitigate climate change after governments reinvested in fossil fuels amid the energy crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine.

“For several years we have been told that fossil investments in Africa are unacceptable to Africans. Now Europe is diverting investment to its own fossil industry. This is sheer hypocrisy,” lamented the leader of the African country.

Museveni criticized the partial dismantling of a wind farm in Germany to expand a coal mine, calling it a “mockery of Western climate commitments”.

The President, posting on his social media Twitter profile, added that European countries agree to extracting resources from Africa for their own energy interests, while opposing the development of fossil fuel projects for the benefit of Africans .

“We will not accept one rule for them and another for us, that is morally insolvent for Europeans,” he said, before stressing that “Europe’s breach of climate targets should not be a problem for Africa.”

“Western money has been poured into wind and solar projects that get the applause of the virtuous in the congress halls and chanceries of Europe, but leave Africans without power when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine,” Museveni has criticized.

The IEA estimates that this diversification could lift 600 million people out of fuel poverty by 2030, he claimed.