Russia-Ukraine War at a Glance: What We Know on Day 264 of the Invasion | Ukraine

  • Russia’s Education Minister Sergei Kravstov has announced that military training will return to Russian schools next September, the latest update by the British Ministry of Defence. The program is supported by the Russian Defense Ministry, which states that no less than 140 hours per academic year should be devoted to this training.

  • Ukraine will decide on the timing and content of a framework for negotiations with Russiasaid at a meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba at the Asean Summit in Cambodia in Phnom Penh.

  • Vladimir Putin spoke by phone with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi, and both leaders emphasized the deepening of political, trade and economic cooperation, the Kremlin said in a statement on Saturday. The discussion on “a number of topical issues on the bilateral agenda” also includes the transport and logistics sector, the Kremlin said. When the phone call took place was not mentioned and Iranian arms deliveries to Moscow were not mentioned.

  • Russia said there is still no agreement to extend a deal that would allow Ukraine to export grain across the Black Seaand reiterated its insistence on unhindered access to world markets for its own food and fertilizer exports, Portal reported.