Why the whole world is changing course

Why the whole world is changing course

Violent dictators and criminals in clear retreat. The Middle East helps to understand the metamorphosis of the Iranian regime, the defeat of the American putschist Trump and the criminal Putin losing the war in Ukraine

by Antonio Ferrari / CorriereTv

The phase of rethinking has indeed begun all over the world. The realistic front of a maturing global democracy defies the certainties and sadness caused by the wars and violence of dictatorial leaders. The signal we loved the most is the release of Alessia Piperno, the Italian girl who went to Iran to join the women who are demonstrating without veils against an absolutely illiberal regime ready for any abuse to protect yourself. After a 45-day captivity and thanks to the silent and valuable work of our intelligence agency, Alessia returned home and hugged her family again. The announcement of the release came from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Which last Thursday received the praise of the NATO summit for our country’s Atlantic loyalty. All of this happened despite the explosion of the new executive’s first serious international crisis, with a harsh exchange of accusations between France and Italy over the problem of migrants. Meloni, who seeks to compress the right-wing government, supported by the most fringes by claiming to interpret the will of the electorate, is actually showing her limitations. Across the Atlantic, the feared resurgence of former US coup leader Donald Trump has melted like snow in the sun. Not only did the Democrats keep and strengthen Joe Biden, Trump’s opponents also prevailed in the Republican Party. Who no longer knew who to accuse, violently hit his wife Melania. Ridiculous and shameful accusations unworthy of a man. Not to mention a US President. Biden, emboldened by the election result, said loudly, “The war that worries us so much will end when Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine.” And Stoltenberg, head of NATO on a visit to Rome, added in an interview TG1 director Monica Maggioni added: “We know that the war in Ukraine unleashed by the Russian Federation did not start last February, but 18 years ago in 2014, when the Kremlin illegally occupied Crimea”. Of course, the dictatorial-criminal Vladimir Putin also has very serious problems. The war has already claimed the lives of 100,000 people and has left painful wounds in many families of the “Soviet Empire”. Putin, perhaps for the first time realizing his own blatant misjudgment, is retreating to the battlefield in Ukraine and has even decided against participating in the G20. A decision that amounts to a sensational sign of weakness. Many think that there will soon be a political earthquake in the Kremlin, where no one listens to the tsar’s accusations. But Putin is still a powerful leader, and his cyberwar is sending dangerous signals. At the recent meeting in Rome, promoted by the S. Egidio Community, there was a lot of talk about Russia and a respected representative of the community, Roberto Zuccolini, a dear former colleague of the Corriere della Sera, raised a sudden and very serious problem in the Internet while I was talking too. Broken transmissions and phone lines. If you want to listen, please listen. An old saying goes: “Thinking badly makes you sin, but you are almost always right”.

November 13, 2022 – Updated November 13, 2022 11:05 p.m