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Iran Malfitano wins Proof of Fire and can change Roça

Iran Malfitano won the Trial of Fire this Sunday (13th) in A Fazenda. The exglobalist denied the dynamic with Pelé Milflows and Ellen Cardoso, the Strawberry Shortcake Woman, but got the best of the activity. This is the third time that the farmer becomes the owner of the lantern.

The competition ended this Sunday afternoon and the participants were drawn. The dynamic took place in three phases, during which the pawns had to hit balls into golf holes to open a gate. Whoever hit hole four, which was the most coveted, won the dispute.

With luck and good aim, Iran managed to be more agile than its rivals and won the lantern. There are two forces in it: red and yellow. Chosen by the public, the red power says, “Swap the third farmhand for any other farmer in the bay or HQ”. The second will only be revealed by Adriane Galisteu in the formation of the Roça next Tuesday (15).

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Who’s in the booth at A Fazenda this week?


Losers of the Trial of Fire, Pelé and Strawberry Shortcake will be the residents of the bay in the next few days. Eligible to draw two other people for punishment, the couple chose Pétala Barreiros and Kerline Cardoso.

However, the activity is only shown in its entirety in this Monday’s (14) program of the reality show on record. Check out some moments of the test made available on PlayPlus:





Express your feelings to the participants The Farm 2022