The maxi scam the Netflix series and now the charity

The maxi scam, the Netflix series and now the charity: the new life of Anna Sorokin

From the fine saloons of New York’s elite to the prison, it’s a no-brainer. He knows it well Anna Delvey – at the registry office, the surname is Sorokin – the fake German (actually Russian) heiress who inspired the famous Netflix TV series “Inventing Anna”. Under house arrest since last October — living in a mega condo on the fifth floor of a $4,200 East Village building on the outskirts of the Big Apple — he has decided to turn his life around. The idea seems to be to organize charity dinners with VIP guests and influencers. The thing is undoubtedly noble. “Return to Society”.

Who is Anna Sorokin?

born in 1991, Anna Sorokin – also known as Delvey in the showbiz scene – she is certainly not one for lacking in ingenuity. Suffice it to say, she’s considered one of the most skilled scammers of the last century: from 2013 to 2017, while living in the United States, she taunted the New York elite by posing as a wealthy heiress with a (fictional) $67 Millions of assets in Europe. Discovered in 2019, she was sentenced to 12 years in prison for fraud at banks, hotels and billionaires (the total value of the illegal collections would be around $275,000). On the evening of October 7, she was released from the Orange Country Correctional Facility in New York, where she had been imprisoned for two years and placed under house arrest with an electronic “bracelet” around her ankle. But the trouble doesn’t seem to be over yet. The immigration authorities say the 31-year-old must be returned to Germany because her visa has expired. His lawyers are opposed to the deportation and have already announced that they will fight “to prevent it”.

The new life of the false heiress

A fresh start is certainly not a problem for Anna Sorokin. On the other hand. Apparently he’s already in touch with upscale Manhattan restaurateurs for the “charity” dinners he plans to organize at his mega-apartment. The leak was collected by trade magazine Eater, whose New York editorial board was “accidentally” sent an email from Anna’s PR asking for catering services, alcohol deliveries and even gifts for guests (Irene Soave relaunch on Courier ). At the request of the journalist Ali Francis, the former heiress openly admitted: “I can’t go to anyone, so I’m inviting a society here.” Who? “Ideally, a mix of celebrities and influencers, as well as not-for-profit bigwigs and activists.” A few names? “I’m not off balance”. How do you feel about your cheating years? “As if what was published was a caricature of me. Of course others will have to judge whether it’s true or not, but I’m happy to believe that it wasn’t really shown who I am.” But who pays the rent for the apartment? And most importantly, who will end the dinners with the VIPs? Secret.