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Kyiv withdraws accreditation from some Western journalists

According to the Ukrainian military, accreditation has been withdrawn from several Western journalists following their reporting from the recently recaptured Kherson region.

“Recently, some media representatives ignored existing bans and warnings and began reporting on Kherson without the consent of the military’s commanders and responsible public relations departments even before stabilization measures were completed,” the General Staff said. General the coercive measure on Facebook today. 🇧🇷

Apparently CNN and Sky News affected

The entry does not indicate which journalists are affected. According to media reports, however, at least six correspondents from the television channels CNN and Sky News have lost their accreditation.

The Russian army evacuated the northwestern part of the Kherson region late last week, including the regional capital itself.

The Ukrainian military slowly moved into the areas as a precautionary measure. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy named demining in and around Kherson as one of the most important immediate measures.