Bunker builder overwhelmed by contract

Bunker builder overwhelmed by contract explosion

More and more French want to build a nuclear shelter.

After living almost under glass for two years, some are already preparing for a completely different kind of imprisonment. Concerned that the war in Ukraine will end last, alarmed at the idea of ​​internationalizing the conflict, concerned about the nuclear risk, more and more French people are striving to build a nuclear shelter.

An energy, water and food self-sufficient sanctuary that could provide a retreat in the event of a disaster. In a country that only has a thousand bunkers — about 600 military and 400 private, according to Artemis Protection, manufacturers of nuclear bunkers — specialized companies are now being swamped with orders.

“284 is the number of requests for proposals for the construction of a CBRN bunker received on February 25.” We at Bünkl are still amazed: the day after the invasion of Ukraine, the company was inundated with inquiries about its shelters for nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical risks. “It had…

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