1668995546 Huge profits at the expense of the climate

Huge profits at the expense of the climate

Animal Rebellion climate activists have occupied the three-Michelin-star Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London: “No to restaurants that make colossal profits off animal skins, workers and our climate. We need to feed everyone by supporting farmers and fishing communities in their transition to a plant-based food system.”

Huge profits at the expense of the climate

As the final document of COP27, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, was being drafted in Sharm el-Shekh, a group of climate activists from Animal Rebellion stepped through the doors of the three-Michelin-starred restaurant Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea, a borough of London, to demand an end to meat consumption and a future based on it Transition to a vegetarian diet.

The activists entered the Gordon Ramsay restaurant, run by the well-known author chef and TV presenter, around 6pm yesterday, posing as regular customers. The restaurant staff had no idea what was about to happen shortly afterwards: the guests, elegantly dressed, actually sat down at some tables and after a while took out fake menus printed on green paper, which were illustrated the environmental cost of the products served in the restaurantespecially beef ones. Environmentalists have also protested growing economic inequality in the UK.

Lucia Alexander, a 39-year-old nurse, said Gordon Ramsay restaurant was a “perfect example” of the country’s social inequality: “While it serves food that costs at least £155 a head, more than Two million people rely on Tafel because of the rising cost of living”.

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1668995539 206 Huge profits at the expense of the climate

“Instead of restaurants, they do colossal gains on the skin of animals, workers and our climate, we must feed all by helping farmers and fishing communities transition to a plant-based food system that would require 75% less arable land use to grow food, so we could feed millions more without depending on intensive farming. This is the answer to the cost of living and the climate crisis.”

The Metropolitan Police were called to the scene just after 6.30pm and the restaurant was closed. In a post published on Instagram, Animal Rebellion activists publicly claimed responsibility for the action and said they would not leave the restaurant until it was evicted.

“This fancy restaurant embodies inequality that we are facing in the UK right now.” And then: “While science shows us that we need to shift our food systems away from animal products, restaurants like this continue to make colossal profits from the exploitation of animals, workers and our climate. For society, climate and animals, we cannot afford to continue like this. We need radical change in the UK food system and we must all take responsibility for that. We need to end food poverty and feed everyone by switching to a plant-based feeding system. We will continue to call for inaction from governments, corporations and restaurants like this as WE ALL have a role to play in the face of the climate crisis. The climate crisis will not end and neither will we!”