War in Ukraine live broadcast Moscow starts phase 2 attack

War in Ukraine, live broadcast Moscow starts phase 2: attack on the Donbass. Biden to allies: Other weapons and sanctions, let’s help Kyiv. Italy: “Pressure on the Kremlin, Putin must be isolated”

April 19, 2022 21:32

Biden: “The war has raised gas and food prices everywhere”

“Putin’s war against Ukraine is over to raise the prices of gasoline and food around the world“. So said the American President Joe Biden at an event in Portsmouth. “I’m doing everything to bring prices down,” he said, recalling the historic release of 1 million barrels of oil from US strategic reserves. “The war in Ukraine will continue to have a negative impact on the economy,” warned the US President.

April 19, 2022 21:31

Johnson: “More guns in Kyiv”

Boris Johnson promises that the Great Britain it will increase its aid to Ukraine by providing artillery systems. Speaking of lower houseafter the video call with Joe Biden and other allies said “it is vital that we do not allow Putin to advance”. Donbass. “Therefore, we are increasing our stockpile of weapons, which the Ukrainians particularly need,” he added, noting that this would be “an artillery conflict.” “And we will provide that along with many other aids,” concluded the British prime minister.

April 19, 2022 21:14

World Bank and IMF confirm meetings with Prime Minister Kyiv

The heads of World Bank he was born in IMF You will meet the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Schmyal and the finance minister Serhiy Marchenko Thursday in Washington to discuss further assistance. “We will have one to encounter important Thursday, where we will talk with the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Minister of Finance. There will be some of the countries supporting Ukraine and we hope to be able to help both of them as they try to survive the fighting,” the World Bank president said. David Malpass during a panel with the IMF defector Kristalina Georgievawho will attend the meeting.

April 19, 2022 21:11

Berlin: “Kyiv chooses our weapons”

“We asked themGerman industry of weapons to tell us what can be shipped soon“And Ukraine” chooses from this list, we provide the money for the purchase,” he said today Berlin Chancellor scholzafter a press conference with the heads of state and government of the partner countries EU and Born. “Russia must not win this war,” added Scholz. Among the armaments for Ukraine would be antitank and antiaircraft weapons, ammunition and even what “may be used in an artillery battle‘ Scholz said. However, the Chancellor did not go into more detail about the shipment of heavy weapons directly from Germany, an issue that German politicians have been discussing for days. Scholz repeated several times that every decision would be shared with EU and NATO partners and that “German individual initiatives” were wrong. Regarding the export options directly from the Bundeswehr, Scholz said that one had to recognize that there were no more options.

April 19, 2022 8:15 p.m

USA, Russia deployed two battalions. There are 78 in total

In the last 24 hours, Russia has added two more battalions Donbasscarry the total to 78. A senior Pentagon official said this in a press conference. According to the source, Russia still has about 75% soldiers and funds accumulated before the invasion of Ukraine.

Apr 19, 2022 8:01 p.m

Lukashenko: “We will behead those who want to bring peace to the country”

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko threatened that “decapitate“Anyone who jeopardizes the peace of the country. “It is better to stay away from the war. We will be better off without a war here in our country,” said Lukashenko, from whose country Russian attacks on Ukraine continue. Speaking at a law and order conference, Lukashenko referred to the widespread protests that took place across the country following his reelection in August 2020, which the opposition saw as a farce. “Remember what happened in 2020? Or are three quarters of those present satisfied with what happened then and want to repeat it? Remember this will not happen. I have enough funds … and we will behead anyone who wants to endanger the peace and tranquility in our country,” he said, according to reports from the official Belarusian news agency BelTa. As a country subject to international sanctions for its role in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Belarus is the only European country that has not abandoned the death penalty imposed by the shoot.

April 19, 2022 7:44 p.m

Stoltenberg: “New sanctions in the Kremlin”

“Good meeting with the US President and leaders to face the recent US offensive Russia in the region of Donbass, which we warned about. We agree to impose additional costs on the Kremlin and to continue our support for Ukraine. President Putin must end the war immediately.” The NATO Secretary General wrote on Twitter Jens Stoltenberg. “Leaders NATO said in a statement have condemned Russia’s current attack along the frontline in eastern Ukraine, including heavy bombing, causing even more human suffering. Updated his colleagues on the work to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defense, the SecretaryGeneral stressed that NATO will do whatever is necessary to protect and defend all allies.” Stoltenberg “also briefed other leaders on Allied work to provide additional military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine”.

April 19, 2022 7:38 p.m

Moscow: “31 military targets hit”

According to the Moscow Defense Ministry, the Russian Air Force struck 31 military targets in Ukraine and also shot down three drones. Tass reports it. Among the 31 targets hit by Moscow, “two command centers are located near the settlements Razdolnoye and Novogrodovkaan ammunition depot near Privolye and 28 Ukrainian arms distribution areas,” said the spokesman for the Russian defense minister Igor Konashenkov.

April 19, 2022 7:36 p.m

Von der Leyen: “Tougher sanctions”

“World leaders remain firmly united in their support for Ukraine. We will stiffen further left our sanctions against the Russia and we will increase our financial and security assistance to Kyiv. “Thank you to the US President for making this important call.” This is what the President of the European Commission writes in a tweet Ursula von der Leyen after participating in the video call with US President Joe Biden and allied countries.

World leaders are standing firmly in support of Ukraine.

We will continue to tighten sanctions against Russia and increase financial and security assistance to Ukraine.

Thanks @POTUS for launching this important call.

we #StandwithUkraine

Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) April 19, 2022

Apr 19, 2022 7:08 p.m

Moldova, forbidden invasion symbols

The President of Moldova, Maia Sanduhas signed a new law approved by Moldova’s parliament five days ago banning symbols “Z” and “V” used by the Russian troops that invaded Ukraine and the black and orange ribbons that have become one of the symbols of proRussian separatists, among others Donbass: The American newspaper Radio Liberty reports and specifies that the law imposes a fine of at least 900 lei (45 euros) for those who make, wear or display the prohibited symbols.